Cross your Fingers, Do a lil Dance, and Pray (1)

Standing before the Blood colored Artifact, Aoni glanced down at Glacia before addressing her.

"Cross your fingers, do a lil dance, and pray we get you some new friends, Glacia!"

"GAOOOOOOOOO!!" Whether or not the ball of fluff fully understood the meaning behind his words was uncertain; however, based on her loud Gao followed by subsequent butt wiggles, Aoni knew his intentions had gotten through to her, causing him to smile.

The last five days' worth of effort had been for this moment; some may think he was merely biding his time until his counter was full, but in truth, that wasn't necessarily the case.

In his mind, he couldn't fathom having to deal with his daily chores and potential new bodies. That's why he wanted some type of infrastructure in place, even if it could only be seen as the bare minimum.