The Hibernators Awaken (1)

When the sun crested the horizon and bathed the Cave in what little warmth it could provide, considering the outside temperature, Aoni's eyelids twitched.

Still, seeing as he hadn't slept nearly enough after two back-to-back long nights, he merely rolled over and faced the wall, putting the light to his back.

Sure, the Lad knew he should probably get up; hell, even his grumbling stomach, having been abused for the last 30 or so hours, was screaming for nourishment; however, he had been in the middle of a pleasant dream, wherein he was flying through the air, shooting off lightning bolts, and playing hero to a damsel in distress.

Shit, he was finally getting to the good part, the hanky panky with the damsel, yet right as they were about to do the deed, a MASSIVE EXPLOSION OF LIGHT threatened to burn his eyes.

So he did what any reasonable teenager in his position would and rolled over.