The Final 12 Days (3)

Having finished Operation Cave Door, as Aoni aptly dubbed it, the Lad's mind shifted drastically as he moved with purpose around the inside of the combination stone and wood wall surrounding the platform. 

One of the many key points hammered into the minds of young Travelers is that of how precarious a situation they will be in when the barrier drops.

As such, they are briefed on a multitude of different strategies as to how best to combat these scenarios, all of which include some structure or walled barrier to be set up to fortify the immediate area surrounding their Flume.

From digging trenches in the sand to stabbing sharped trees into the ground to forming a wall, the Academies touched upon all of it, and Aoni had gone above and beyond all that.

Not only had he toiled away moving boulders and chiseling them into foot square blocks, but at the base of the wall, about a foot and a half away, were stakes pointing out and up at a 40-degree angle.