Mr. Revenant rushed to the opening and looked out.
Through the thick dust and glowing lava, he saw the Warrior fighting alone.
His movements were inhuman and his sword was an extension of his will—but he was outnumbered.
And there was no way in hell one man could take on an entire Drakenar war party alone.
He turned back to the group. "We stay hidden. He can't help us—not yet. We wait for more officers."
The others nodded in silent agreement.
But then—a problem arose.
Mr. Revenant's eyes widened as he saw someone running.
It was the same miner who had been holding a torch that night.
The man who had spoken about his little girl.
He had panicked.
And he was fleeing in the open.
The Drakenar noticed.
One of them—a brute of a warrior with dark spikes lining its arms—turned toward the man.
It let out a roar, exuding heat waves that distorted the air around it as it charged.