Chapter 98: Can't Forgive Them

Harry is still continuing his story regarding the chronology of his breaking off relations with Vivian. Several months after he witnessed the affair scene, Harry noticed that Vivian's face looked pale every day and she continued to feel nauseous every time she ate with him. 

Today Harry invited Vivian to another romantic dinner, but this time Vivian couldn't help but feel nauseous. Vivian ran towards the bathroom vomiting the contents of her stomach. Meanwhile, Harry could only surrender to waiting for Vivian in front of the bathroom. Every day Vivian was always nauseous and acted strangely in front of him. Harry was determined to give Vivian a test pack. Because he was sure that Vivian was pregnant with Harris' child. He had bought the testpack secretly long ago, even though they had never done it. 

When Vivian had finished her mission in the bathroom, Harry looked cold and folded his arms. "What's wrong with you exactly?"