Chapter 103: Preparation for Music Festival

What Harry said greatly influenced the actions that Claudia was taking at the moment. After hearing that advice, Claudia played the violin according to what she had learned in the past. At first her face looked gloomy, now it's even brighter because as usual her husband always raises her spirits. 

Harry was also relieved to see that his wife was finally able to free herself from the wound. He accompanied his wife by playing the organ. Because for him, playing musical instruments together will further lift his wife's enthusiasm. 

"I like it, Claudia."

"You like me?" Claudia smiled shyly. 

"I like watching you play the violin with a sweet smile."

"This is all thanks to you. You succeeded in healing the trauma wounds that I experienced for dozens of years."

Harry laughed a little, got up from the chair for a moment and kissed his wife's forehead briefly. "Keep your smile while playing the violin."