Wright was very familiar with the Red Keep. As a child, he had used resurrection magic to summon dead rats and explored the secret passageways of the Red Keep.
He had even given a map of the secret passages to Robert. Now, the people who knew the layout of the passageways were Wright, Renly, Robert, and Varys, the Spider.
The dungeons of the Red Keep were four stories deep, with the lowest level connected to the sea, functioning as the Keep's sewer system. The prisoners were kept on the third level, where small rooms without windows were known as the Black Cells. The first and second floors above it were more like storage rooms, very clean except for a few dark spots.
Wright and Robert had discussed moving the dragonbones from here to be handled by Odahviing. Robert had immediately agreed; with living dragons, what use did they have for old skeletal remains?
Wright's goal was to create dragonbone armor. After a dragon's death, its internal chemical balance was lost, causing the body to spontaneously combust, leaving only the bones. These bones were rich in iron, and as the organic material decayed, the color of the bones grew darker, eventually becoming black—unless they were well-preserved.
Wright had bargained with Odahviing, promising a large amount of meat to convince it to craft a set of dragonbone armor. However, only Wright could wear it; if anyone else tried to use dragonbone to craft weapons or armor, Odahviing would destroy them on sight!
The Valyrian Empire had lasted for over a thousand years, and many had dreamed of creating dragonbone armor or weapons. But the temperature of dragonbones was so high that they could even boil water, making it incredibly dangerous for ordinary people to wear armor made from them—it would be like walking into an oven.
The dragonbones in the Red Keep's dungeon, which Wright had inspected, were either too small, with skeletons only as large as horses, or unsuitable for armor crafting. Only the skull of Balerion the Black Dread was large enough to work. Although the rest of Balerion's body was lost, the skull alone was big enough, and after removing the unusable parts, it was still viable.
Wright checked the time, and deciding it was about time, he left the secret passage and walked back to the garden through the main hall.
Margaery, along with Nymeria and a few other ladies, were happily chatting.
Just as Wright was about to approach them, Margaery's father appeared in front of him.
"Ah, the gods are on my side!"
Lord Mace Tyrell had been discussing business with other nobles, but upon seeing Wright, he immediately walked over.
"Ha! Lord Wright has arrived!"
Wright: "Lord Mace, just the person I needed to see. Last time, half of the toilet paper sent from Highgarden to Tyrosh got soaked in seawater. You'll need to find a way to resolve it."
Lord Mace was momentarily stunned. "I'm not sure! Ser Paxter, over here! The transport issue was handled by Lord Paxter Redwyne of the Arbor."
A thin man with slouched shoulders and only a few tufts of orange hair on his balding head joined the conversation.
Margaery could only glare at her father.
Nymeria noticed where Margaery was looking and quickly took out a small glass bottle:
"Margaery, this is the latest perfume made in the trade city of Lys, with the perfect rose scent. It's just right for you. I bought it especially to give to you."
With the skill of a seasoned hand, Nymeria pulled out the perfume bottle like performing magic, leaving the girls around her in awe.
"Thank you, I really love this gift." Margaery took the perfume. This premium perfume was made only in Lys. Previously, only a few fixed scents were sold in Westeros, and they were quite expensive. Her family had many, but they only ever used those few scents.
"I'll help you apply a little. Try the fragrance." Nymeria gently took Margaery's hand and reclaimed the perfume from her.
"In Lys, the women like to spray it behind their ears first."
With one hand around Margaery's waist, she lifted her hair and sprayed a light mist behind her ear. Afterward, Nymeria leaned in close and inhaled deeply by Margaery's ear. "It smells wonderful!"
Margaery felt a bit nervous as the warm breath brushed past her ear.
Nymeria: "What do you all think?"
The other girls gathered around to smell the new perfume and couldn't stop praising it. Margaery smiled happily.
"You can also spray it on your chest," Nymeria said, noticing that Margaery was no longer awkward. She sprayed the perfume once more, this time on her chest.
She then took Margaery's hand and placed the perfume bottle in her palm.
"Girls usually spray perfume on their body and clothes, but you're about to get married. From now on, spray it in these two spots, and you'll be even more enchanting!"
The other girls, also young, looked on, eager to learn. Nymeria continued, "Your chest sweats easily, so the perfume will diffuse more here. Don't believe me? Come, try it."
"Really!" the girls said as they leaned down to smell the perfume Margaery had just sprayed. Nymeria smiled and pulled Margaery's waist, bringing her face closer.
Tyene: "I want to smell it too!"
The Queen of Thorns, Olenna Tyrell, was sitting in a pavilion in the garden, chatting with an elderly noble. The pavilion was situated at a high vantage point, offering a sweeping view. Her maids stood at a distance, politely stopping anyone who unknowingly came too close.
When people saw the elderly nobles talking in the pavilion, they would bow and walk away quietly.
Despite her age, Olenna Tyrell still had sharp wit, and her tone showed no signs of aging.
She wore a green gown, characteristic of House Tyrell, embroidered with golden roses. It was a gift from her son, Mace Tyrell, who had made a fortune.
She gently touched the two brooches on her chest—one was the golden rose representing House Tyrell, and the other a golden bunch of grapes symbolizing House Redwyne—and spoke to the nobleman across from her.
"My granddaughter is getting married in a couple of days. I trust you're happy about that?"
"Of course, I'm happy," the elderly noble replied. "My sister passed away young, leaving four children. But seeing them all settled and thriving in their own lives brings me great comfort."
The other elderly noble was Lord Eldon Estermont of Greenstone, the uncle of the four Baratheon brothers. His family's green turtle flag now stood next to the Baratheon banner. As the Baratheon brothers gained power, House Estermont was experiencing significant growth.
Lord Eldon, nearing seventy, had a full head of white hair. He was just two years younger than Olenna, and the two had known each other for many years.
Olenna: "But I am not happy! Eldon, there are some things you don't know!"
"Please, enlighten me." Lord Eldon was puzzled by her cryptic remark.
Olenna: "House Rowan controls almost all of the northern lands of the Reach, and King Robert married the second daughter of House Rowan. House Tyrell controls Highgarden, and Renly also married my granddaughter. Is House Baratheon trying to swallow the whole Reach?"