For War (part 3) - Eighty Days

The air blanket the window of Eryn's room. The fire inside warmed the wooden floors.

Eryn looked out the window to the streets of Veldria, the smoke rose from the horizon, the morning crowds rushed from one side of the city to the other. The people wore ragged clothes, carried with them sacks made from time-worn linen.

"It's almost peaceful." Liora cam to Eryn's side.

"Almost." Eryn said.

"The people in our hometown don't have much, but these are the people we put our lives on the line for." Liora placed her hand on Eryn's shoulder.

"You think we fight for the people?" Eryn asked.

Liora turned her head to him, "that's what the guild is built off."

She smiled, "the madam was once like us. until she wasn't."

Eryn looked at her, "what does that mean?"

"it means she ran in these streets stealing and fighting." she looked back onto the streets of Veldria. "then she met a noble and fell in love."

Eryn smirked. "sounds like a classic romance."

Liora blushed, "sometimes it seems that way."

the crowd continued to pass, the people continued to work, and Eryn watched. He saw Roan and Nia walk out of the tavern and into the crowd. Time flew by and the two returned as sun begun to fall.

Liora greeted the both of them with a glass of ale, "did you find anything?"

Roan chugged the ale and dropped his head, "there's more than we knew."

Nia rushed for the ale and sipped it in a delicate manner, "the thieves den were compromised."

Eryn picked his head up to look at Nia, "are you certain?"

"they were dead on the floor when we found their hideout." Nia responded. "the room was ransacked."

Liora grasped the ale and gulped it down, "we pick up where they left off."

Roan picked up his head to look at Nia, "their leader left something in the hilt of his knife." he poured another drink for himself. "it talks about a meeting, something big coming soon."

Liora stared at Roan as he brought the knife to the table, "doesn't seem to have any hidden notes." she looked at Nia.

Nia shook her head, "we already tohught to investigate the letter and place." she responded. "the meeting place is nearby. its a crumbled palace, an old governing official palace."

Eryn looked back and forth at both the knife and Nia as she spoke, "does this have anything to do with the king?" he asked.

Nia shook her head, "its only an old tradition. the place has history. it's perfect."

Eryn tilted his head, "what tradition?"

Liora placed her hand on top of his, "a new king arrives on old territory."

She continued, "there might be something big here."

"so now there is a rebellion and kidnappings are the beginning?" asked Eryn.

Liora nodded.

"seems like a good first mission for us." he continued.

Eryn looked around and saw the faces of his companions. The people he walked into this new world of power. Nia looked down and closed her eyes, Roan looked toward the window and tilted his head. Liora looked at him.

"We still have missing people." Liora mentioned. "The squad attached to us is gone, but our mission has not changed."

Eryn nodded and looked towards the window, "we have our first clue."

"We have a few moments of rest," Roan sighed. "If there are any last things you want to get done in this rotten tavern-"

"Let's drink," Nia interrupted as she opened her eyes and looked at the party.

She motioned the barkeep. The barkeep gathered a few mugs and poured the party a round.

"Let's drink. Let the tavern be the last moment of sanity. Tomorrow we find our people." she lifted her mug to the ceiling. "For Val!" she motioned the party.

Liora grabbed the mug and raised it, "for Eight." 

The others grabbed their mugs and downed it into their mouths. The ale splashed the corner of their mouths, the barkeep poured another. The party raised it once more and drank to its last drop. The tavern help came with food, and the four feasted.

Hours later the night came to its height. The party had their drinks and their fill. No stragglers, the four of them were washed and ready to see what the night life of Veldria had to uncover.

"Maybe a few too many drinks -" Eryn said as he held his breath.

"It's only right." Roan said as he patted his back.

"We got work to do. Enough games." Liora walked in front and pushed the door open. "Follow me, the building is not far from here."

The four walked through the city as any other civilian, using the stank of ale and drunken steps to mask their direction.

"Let's rest here." Nia pointed to a broken down building. It was partially burned down, and holding onto the building aside it for assistance. The area where she pointed was on the second floor toward a window facing the open area where they planned to investigate.

"We wait and see if anyone comes." Liora mentioned.

Eryn hoisted himself onto the ledge where the window stood, "are we to expect hooded figures to walk up and show themselves? ridiculous."

Nia poked him, "we're looking for shadows in the dark. anything helps."

Roan lifted his head toward the sky and listened to the atmosphere, "It's too quiet. no wind, no tavern cheers, I don't even hear a mouse scuttling through the buildings."

"Let's just wait some time and let the drinks do their job." Liora said. "If nothing happens, we still look into the building and see if we can find anything."

Nia pointed toward the window, "I dont think that would be necessary." They should be coming soon.

Roan smiled, "Those eyes of yours are really something." he said as he closed his eyes and tilted his head down to hear the noise in the environment.