Lead poisoning

 He walked in after dawdling outside of the factory for a while, he walked in, and immediately decided to quit. the work conditions were unsafe, lead poisoning just had to be waiting for a chance to strike everyone in there, the fire escape was locked, with only the mangers having the key. He was going to quit, knowing that he was likely going to be ridiculed and called crazy if he tried to explain the reasons. He wanted to save himself. "Sorry everyone, you will be missed...not!" "Heh" he chuckled lightly at his own joke, "not today, lead poisoning.." He said to himself quietly, then He walked to the manager and announced quite loudly, "I quit!" The factory fell silent, everyone stopped working, just gaping at Sunni, well, Orion technically. The manager looked strangely calm. Then he told Sunni to wait, he went to the back, and got his manager. His manager then sent someone to get his manager. After all three were there, they sat him down in an office they then questioned his rigorously, Gott, the floor manager wasn't even questioning, he was basically just critiquing him about everything he'd done wrong in the past. After everything they made him write an apology letter to them all, making him acknowledge his mistakes in all his years of working at the factory, which he just made up, as he had no memory of working there. After getting ridiculed and having to apologize to all of his managers he was on the verge of tears. Yes, it sounds pathetic, he was one of those people who dished out insults but couldn't take them back, obviously the only reason he would cry was because something wounded his pride. But wouldn't you also? But he would rather die than cry in front of these nasty individuals, so he sucked it up and handed in the apologies. Then he went home. 

It was about 4 in the morning now, and he surprisingly wasn't tired, perhaps it was the fact he was a med student or Orion's work hours. Regardless he had to find a way to make a living after he just quit his job. He decided that pursuing medicine would be the best choice for him, after all, history was part of the medical course, so maybe he'd fit right in, back in school he was a history addict, he wanted to become a historian even! He was a little apprehensive to allow innocent people to die because medicine wasn't as advanced here, as saving someones family member could earn him money and reputation. Oh well, he'll just allow history to take its course. You better believe he didn't try anything irrational, he'd be mocked, ridiculed and maybe even put in an institution for psych, and if he made that big of a change he might even have people after his head, after all you just can't please everyone.."well, story of the world, am I right, or am i right?" He said to himself jokingly. He knew his humor was dumb, and a lot like Dad jokes, so dumb you have to laugh, that aside he realized that he'd have to deal with seeing people die because of miseducation. You could say he was a wimp, and he'd agree, he didn't want to die! He speculated in the half day he was here that he was in about in the dark ages, so so early middle ages, one of the most notable periods of time back on earth but then he realized, this wasn't Earth. "The history might not be the same, especially the medical history, it could be better or worse.." and with that he already placed all his eggs in one basket, he assumed it was going to be better, it had to be! He wouldn't have to watch people die for no reason! He wouldn't have to feel guilty about purposely killing someone so that he could live! Not that he would feel guilty about the lives lost, but more about the money and reputation lost. 

After he went to sleep and woke up at 9 Am, he got up and put on the same shoes, he walked over to belle's stall and asked her a lot of miscellaneous things to give the idea that he was just curious, then he finally asked "is there any kind of medical school around?", she once again looked at him as if he was half-baked, she then responded, "you've never been interested in school, what's with this strange development ..?" He then glanced back in her way after looking sidelong for a while on the account that he heard something a couple seconds ago he decided it was whatever, he needed to focus on the conversation. "I just figured that if I get an education, maybe I'll get a better job." His speech was stiff, as he already had gotten an education in his past life, he knew that much, but by the looks of where Orion was living and working, he obviously hadn't. He silently ridiculed himself for not asking immediately after he got here. She gave him an address with a sarcastic smile on her face, believing he wouldn't make it, this lady was nice but also kind of evil, she always believed Orion wouldn't have anything good in this lifetime. 

570 Hareway street....that was quite a ways to walk...at least a couple hours of walking...well, if he had to he definitely would walk but he didn't. One public carriage cost one shiling, so he could take a carriage to and fro the academy and only spend two shiling, which wasn't that much, but due to his unfortunate financial position, this was a lot. right now he only had an angel and five pence. after riding to and fro the academy he would have 56 pence , rent was one ora, so he'd be left with 40 pence. He would be able to support himself without a job for about two weeks, since rent was once every week. In that timeframe he would need to find a job of some sort. 

Penny silver coin 1 pence 

Half-penny Silver coin ½ pence 

Farthing Silver coin ¼ pence 

Groat Silver coin 4 pence 

Half-groat Silver coin 2 pence 

Leopard Gold coin 72 pence 

Noble gold coin 80 pence 

Rose noble Gold coin 120 pence 

Angel Gold coin 80 pence 

Shilling, Unit of account 12 pence 

Pound, Unit of account 240 pence 

Mark, Unit of account 160 pence 

Ora, Unit of account 16 pence 

 He inquired more about the academy and found that they were doing entrance exams tomorrow, so he'd be just in time, he suddenly inquired "Mrs. Belle, have you been to a doctor recently?" He didn't ask because he cared, he asked because her voice was getting annoying. Well, he cared if she found something wrong and maybe gave him praise or money for spotting something wrong before she died, maybe he'd even be in her will, so when she died he'd get money! She looked at him suspiciously, "no, why do you ask?" He responded by telling her that her voice sounded a little congested. She looked at him angrily, taking him saying that as an insult "Everything I've done for you and you insult me like some madman!? I've taken care of you for years! After your parents left you! And suddenly you want to go to medical school and quit your job?! I don't know what's wrong with you, but you better fix it soon." He stood there, indignant and angry at how she had an outburst at him just trying to help, if he could he would have started to fight her, but that was wrong, not that he cared about it being wrong, but more about the people watching, it would surely damage his reputation, that he had none of. This lady was heated with a bad temper...He stood up and left, as he figured that if he said anything else he'd just get yelled at and probably start a fight with her.