Reclaiming Shares

Half an hour earlier. 


Selina stood in the kitchen, diligently searching for recipes. 


Why did every recipe online look so simple, yet become impossibly difficult when she actually tried to cook? 


After struggling for over 20 minutes, she finally prepped the ingredients and was ready to cook. Just as she was about to start, a sudden bang startled her. 


Hot oil splattered from the pan, leaving Selina utterly confused. She instinctively looked for help. 


Logan frowned and quickly walked over. With one hand, he pulled her away from the stove, and with the other, he turned off the gas burner. 


Realizing she had caused trouble, Selina drooped her head. "I…" 


It was the first time Logan had seen her like this—silly, dazed, and a little flustered. It was such a stark contrast to her usual playful and clever demeanor.