Abel nodded. "We hoped to find herbs or catch some rabbits near the edge of the forest, but Darius wandered off, and we found him being attacked by the tiger."
Lara sighed deeply, reaching into her backpack again. She pulled out four boiled eggs and four roasted sweet potatoes, handing one to each boy.
"Eat," she ordered. "You need your strength to get out of here. That tiger's carcass will attract other predators."
The boys hesitated, but hunger won out. Abel, however, took only a small bite of his sweet potato before tucking the rest away.
When he caught Lara staring at him, he looked down and explained, "I.... I will keep my share for my mother and sister. Thank you once again, Sir."
Without a word, Lara tossed him another sweet potato. "Eat it. You can't lead your brothers on an empty stomach."
Abel's eyes glistened with gratitude as he obeyed, taking a cautious bite.
Indeed, he felt weak and lightheaded.