Anticipating the inevitable, General Odin had already sent several soldiers to secure Carles' most important documents. They had gathered ledgers, maps, treaties—anything of value—and stuffed them into sacks, now slung over their shoulders as they dashed toward the back exit.
Outside, the team under Commander Cobar was already engaged in combat. The moment the first flickers of flame licked the edges of the building, Estalis forces had attempted to intercept the fleeing Northem soldiers.
But Cobar's archers were waiting.
From the shadows, they let loose their arrows, striking down the advancing enemy before they could block the escape route in the West.
Meanwhile, inside the inferno, the heat was unbearable. The once-magnificent town hall was becoming an incinerator. Wooden beams groaned as the fire consumed them, the walls radiating scorching waves that seared the skin.