On the run, Barry begins talking to Cisco.
"Cisco, update," Barry asks pressing on his earpiece.
"According to witnesses, the gas attack was in the main elevator in the north wing," Cisco says.
"Got it," Barry says and immediately shatters the sound barrier to reach there as fast as possible.
Barry runs into the mall and quickly finds the woman who was attacked. He finds her already dead.
Barry looks around among the sea of frozen people and sees a green color gas exiting through the fire exit. The gas is moving fast for it to be moving while Barry is tapped into his Super Speed.
He immediately chases after the green cloud of gas. The gas begins to condense together and turns into a bald man.
Barry immediately charges at the man, deciding to take him down before he begins questioning him, but to Barry's surprise, as he tries to tackle the man, he goes right past him while the man disperses into a cloud of gas.
"What?" Barry is surprised. He stops and looks up to see a face forming inside the cloud of gas, smiling creepily down at Barry.
"Cisco, I can't get hold of this guy. What do I do?" Barry asks.
"Hang on let me think," Cisco says trying to come up with something, luckily for Barry, he has all the time in the world cause he is a speedster.
The gas could form into a fist and tries to punch Barry but he can easily see it coming from a mile away and very slowly, he dodges and runs to the other side and stops.
The cloud condenses again turning into the bald man.
"Why did you kill that woman?" Barry asks.
"She deserved to die. Now go run away. I still have one more name on my list. Don't make me add you to it," the man says, thinking he has become invincible ever since he got his powers.
"You got it all wrong here buddy, you ain't going anywhere," Barry says.
"Let's see about that," the man says and begins turning into gas again and starts filling up the whole corridor in his gaseous state.
"Cisco, I am still waiting," Barry asks Cisco for some way to capture this gas dude.
"I don't know, man. We have nothing on this guy. You should retreat for now," Cisco says.
"Cisco is right Mr. Allen, get out of there before things get worse," Dr. Wells suggests.
"Well, it's already gotten worse," Barry says as he sees the gas approaching him.
Barry can't run away now, by doing so he might be putting more people's lives at risk. And in this crucial moment, he thinks of something.
"Here goes nothing," Barry says entering Super Speed. The world around him slows down. Even the large amount of gas that has almost filled up the corridor stops.
Barry then spreads his arms and begins spinning in one place like a ballerina. Once he picks up his speed, he brings his hands together, increasing his speed further.
Suddenly, all the air inside the corridor is sucked into a mini tornado that Barry has successfully conjured.
The cloud of poison gas starts getting pulled into the tornado, but it isn't affecting Barry because he is inside it where air pressure is very low.
The poison-cloud man feels his entire being pulled into this tornado, causing him a lot of pain.
"AAARRRRRRRRRRR" He yells in pain. Even though he is in a gaseous state, his molecules are still connected. Getting sucked into this tornado will tear him apart.
Barry continues to spin, and the speed of his rotation is getting faster. Lightning begins cracking around the mini tornado he has created.
If not for the limited space that he is in, Barry would have easily created a tornado whose wind speeds would have far exceeded the F5 class.
But why is Barry spinning so fast even though he doesn't need to? Well, he is not in control right now.
His eyes have turned completely white and they are glowing as bright as the sun in the sky. White lightning is shooting out of them. Barry has tapped into the purest form of Speed Force. His true self.
As for his consciousness, he finds himself back inside his lightning prison.
"I am back here. No! I can't get trapped here again. I need to go back," Barry shouts and he suddenly regains consciousness again and gets back control over his body.
He slows down and then stops spinning to find nothing around him as the mini-tornado disperses.
"What have I done?" Barry questions as realization dawns on him. He just killed a man.
He spun so fast that the gas-cloud man was forcefully pulled into his tornado and then pulled apart, molecule by molecule, until nothing remained of him.
"Barry! Barry! What happened?" Barry hears Cisco's voice inside his ear.
"I think I just killed a man," Barry says, still in shock while Cisco and Dr. Wells go radio silence on him, not able to believe what he just said.