Barry finds comfort in Joe's words. He realizes what Joe is saying is right.
If he allows himself to get consumed by guilt for killing an evil man, he will sooner or later get in his own way, which may lead to more innocent people getting hurt.
But it's not just about Barry killing this man, it's also about his losing control over his power. What if it happens again?
"What if I lose control again, Joe? And what if the person who gets hurt is someone innocent?" Barry asks.
"Isn't that why you have a team? Those guys at S.T.A.R. Labs who are helping you learn about your powers better? If anyone can help you, it's them.
When the people of this city need help, I know you will dawn your suit again and rush out to save them because that's who you are, but to do that, you need to learn how to control your powers fully, and for that, you need to head back to S.T.A.R. Labs," Joe says.
Barry rubs his face with his hand and stares at his walls. He nods his head.
"You are right. I need to be in control. I need to understand what happened to me out there," Barry says.
Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, the team is again gathered to figure out what happened to Barry during his tight with The Mist. That's what Cisco named him.
Barry has his body probed with multiple wires while Caitlin draws some of his blood. She looks at him and he looks at her. They smile slightly at each other before Caitlin runs away to do some more tests.
After a while, she comes back and looks at the team.
"There is nothing wrong with Barry. His body is in perfect condition. In fact, it's better than when he just woke up from his coma. His muscles, tissue, and bone density have all increased.
His neurological system is also working better than before. It's like his body is evol...." "Evolving to keep up with his speed," Dr. Wells continues her words.
"So there is nothing wrong with Barry, physically or mentally?" Joe asks.
"None that we could find," Caitlin says.
"Then what happened out there?" Barry asks.
"Barry, tell me everything that happened since this very morning." Dr. Wells says.
"I woke up, went to work, then went to analyze the crime scene. After that I came here to S.T.A.R. Labs to inform you guys about another Meta, then I took Caitlin with me to my lab... Wait a minute..." Barry stops.
"Caitlin, this morning, when I carried you to CCPD, my powers flowed into you," Barry says.
"Caitlin, what's Barry talking about?" Dr. Wells asks.
"We don't know what happened, but I was able to move and perceive the world and time the same way Barry does. It's as if Barry could bestow his powers on me," Caitlin says.
"How is that possible?" Cisco asks.
"This power of mine. I don't think it exists just because I am a Meta..." Barry says, grabbing everyone's attention.
"This lighting I generate when running helps me ignore physics and common sense. Begin able to move people around at super speed, my clothes staying intact no matter how fast I run. Being able to momentarily make people move and perceive time the same way I do..." Barry says while looking at Caitlin.
"I believe this is all possible because I derive my powers from this different dimension of infinite power that might be alive..." Barry's words hang in the room as the team tries to process what Barry just said.
"The Speed Force! Let's call it the Speed Force!" Cisco chimes in excitedly coming up with a cool name.
"It does explain a lot of things, Mr. Allen, but please continue with the rest of your day," Dr. Wells says.
"Then, after I brought Caitlin to my lab, we began working on the evidence, and then..." Barry stops. "Then what, Mr. Allen?" Dr. Wells asks.
"I fall into a trance. I saw storms of lightning," Barry says. "Is that why you spaced out?" Caitlin asks. She thought Barry was just staring at her that time and now she feels embarrassed assuming it.
Barry nods. "Then I heard about the attack at the mall, so I got there to confront Nimbus..." Barry says.
"During the fight, I found myself inside staring at the same lightning storm again, and when I regained back control over my body, the fight was over..." Barry says rubbing his face.
After a long silence follows, Dr. Wells speaks up. "I think this Speed Force is trying to communicate with you, Mr. Allen."
"Communicate?" Barry asks.
"Yes, this morning at your lab, you fell into a trace. You saw the Speed Force, but you fell out of it... During your fight with Nimbus, when you were the most connected to the Speed Force because of your speed, you lost yourself in it for longer. I believe it's trying to tell you something.
To not lose control again, you need to figure out what the Speed Force wants before it pulls you into it once again during one of your fights," Dr. Wells says.
"How do I do that?" Barry asks.
"Maybe the next time you fall into one of these trances, try not to fight back," Dr. Wells suggests.