"What did you do?!" Michael screamed at me. "What did you do?!"
He screamed again.
"He g...grabbed me" I stuttered. "He grabbed my…chest" for lack of a way to explain to my father that this monster he invited into our home, grabbed my boob and squeezed, I stuttered even more.
I watched him frantically try to wake Mr swift.
Never thought it would hurt as much as it did.
When he chose Diara, a tiny part of me understood, he'd raised her…he loved her, that kind of love doesn't disappear overnight but what was his excuse for choosing Mr Swift over me.
"He hurt me" I whispered trying to get his attention as Akira and Diara rushed inside.
Michael seemed unfazed. He was more concerned about Mr. Swift, an omega than his own daughter.
I was visibly shaken. His eyes were widened and when he took a step closer to me in anger, I reacted instinctively by taking a step back and I shut my eyes tightly and yelled "Ryder!"
It was purely instinctive, Ryder was my go to person when I'm threatened, my shield against men like Michael and Greg.
It took a second but I realized that he wasn't coming to my rescue this time and so, I opened my eyes in time to see and feel the sting of Diara's palm on my cheek.
"My parents are only trying to help you but as thanks, you assaulted THE Mr. Swift. How dare you put us in this position?"
"How dare me? No, how dare you?!" I whispered trying to get over the shock, I got over it very quickly and I returned the slap with more force and I met her brutality with some of mine.
I expected a reaction from the parents standing behind her but I didn't expect Akira to strike me across the face with open palm.
"No. How dare you?!" She screamed. "We gave you a home. We put food in your belly and we found a husband to take a worthless piece of shit like you and the thanks we get is you mock our benevolence, assault our guest and hit my daughter!"
"I'm your daughter!" I screamed in her face clearly out of my mind. "I'm your daughter... It's me, not her! I'm your real child! I'm the offended, I'm the rejected, I'm the aggrieved. It's me, not her!" I screamed. "How dare you be the mother to her that you refuse to be to me! How dare you love her, not me?!"
I moved closer to her and Michael got in the way like he was next in line to hurt me.
"How are you feeling, Kaida? Uncomfortable? It's like having an itch that you are unable to scratch, right? You think it's bad now, wait, it gets worse. Soon, the little self control you think you have…it's gonna wither away and you will be begging anyone, I mean anyone to pin you against anywhere and just…take you. See him" Akira pointed at Mr. Swift, who was beginning to wake up. "He is the best you can do"
"Why?" I asked her. "You would spend millions of dollars to get her -" I pointed at Diara "millions of dollar to get her into the lunar gala, so she can meet and marry the most powerful prince in the world but you would only set up a measly breakfast, stuff me in a despicable dress and sit still as that buffoon on the floor oogles my private part?"
I exhaled loudly.
"You would give her the world but not me. I get perverted Mr. Swift, huh?"
Michael cleared his throat loudly and I turned my attention to him.
"I have done everything I can for you, Kiadaira. You will apologize to Mr. Swift and you will marry him -"
"No, I won't" I said bluntly.
"God damn it, you will or you will get a taste of the real world. Get out of my sight!"
I walked out and tried to clear my head. If I'm unwanted here then I'm gonna go.
Where exactly- eluded me.
I entered my van and I turned the car on.
I tried to start the engine several times but it just cranked and stopped.
"Come on….come on"
I tried two more times and it picked up, the sound resonating in the entire place.
I took a breath, relief flooding my system because this old van that Joshua left for me was all I had.
I drove off just as the sun began to go down.
Destination - unknown.
I just wanted to get away from the family who hated me and from the people who had caused me unimaginable pain.
A few hours away from them would do all of us good.
The van jolted forward several times and it got my attention.
I tried to steady it, anything to keep it on the road rather than the ditch it was veering towards.
I tried the brake two more times before I realized someone must have tampered with it.
Fear gripped my entire system as I drove right into the ditch and was launched forward through the glass with such force that I heard my own bone break.
"Motherfuck..!" I sounded out as I landed on my hand.
I know everyone's favorite activity was screwing with the childless deviant but tampering with my brakes was taking it too far!
Michael took it too far.
I struggle to extract my leg from the tangled wreckage, my heart racing with every twist and turn.
It was when I first saw him…a shadow, really…lurking.
Fear clawed its way up my spine.
"Whomever you are! I warn you, stay away or you are going to get hurt!"
Bad thoughts echoed through my mind, chilling me to the bone.
Those razor-sharp claws, those teeth... I shuddered, my body trembling with dread.
It was almost sundown. With my heat intensified like this, it almost felt like I was asking for it.
I forced myself to move, scrambling to gather my scattered belongings. My hands trembled as I checked my phone – no signal. Alone, injured, and hunted, great!
What else is new?!
"You shouldn't mess with me. Alpha Michael would be pissed. He is my father after all"
People generally think twice before screwing with the Alpha's daughter, right?
I frantically climbed into the van and turned the engine on, it spurts several times and on the fifth try, it vibrated.
Relief flooded me.
I was about to drive off when something or someone reached out and pulled me out of the car. And flung me like a piece of used equipment on the dirty cold ground.
I whimpered like an injured dog, trying so hard not to cry as I waited for my super healing to kick in…it's slower than usual these days because of years of having little blood left in me from my numerous donations to Ryder Steele.
But nevermind. First things first, the three mean looking beta blood in front of me.
One, I actually recognized, Aiden - the border patrol that knocked me out earlier.
"What are you doing? Alpha Michael would have your head if you try shit with me"
It was a lie but it should be enough to get him and his band of perverted fuckers off my back but instead of backing off, he smiled like he just won a lottery.
"Why would Alpha be pissed for catching some harmless fun with the pack whore?"
"Michael will have your head for calling his daughter such a despicable name?! Just wait and see!"
"It's Alpha Michael to you, slut. And for the last time, you are not his daughter"
I didn't see his hand as he stuck me with his patrol whip, a whip that was covered in silver thorns.
I yelped louder than I had ever before, the excruciating pain blinding me momentarily.
"Now, be a good girl and crawl towards me…I haven't had a good bang in a while"
I tried to run but he grabbed me and slammed me against the tree with his buddies standing behind him for back up.
He pressed himself behind me, length to length…I could feel everything.
"Help!" I screamed.
"If you have a mouth to scream, then that's one more hole to fill…"
He pushed me to the ground. And he shoved it into my mouth.
I didn't think. I bite down as hard as I could.