
After dropping the bomb that Asuriel only had a year to live if she didn't uncover the rest of the Prophecy of Celestial Convergence, Elara asked to speak with Vaerion privately. There wasn't much privacy when they could only be ten feet apart, so Vaerion cast a blind and deafening spell over Asuriel while he and the older woman spoke.

When Asuriel asked why she needed to be excluded, Elara shook her head and refused to explain. Exhausted by all the new things she learned about herself, Asuriel didn't have the energy to argue. She decided not to bother and sat silently on the sofa, unable to hear or see, while they discussed.

One year.

Anxiety boiled in her chest, and her heartbeat wildly as she let it sink in.

She was a ticking timebomb.