surprise trip

Vaerion massaged his temple as he tried to think rationally about his call with Kazuo the night before. It wasn't time to pick Asuriel up, so he had an hour or so of personal time remaining.

The information his demon business partner had shared was deeply troubling…

Southeast of Veridion was a metropolis called Ardent Crest, where the Crimson Pact's base of operations was located. Despite not being based in Veridion, the Pact still possessed some territory bordering the Ashen Crown, which was why Kazuo and Vaerion had started interacting more recently.

A day after the meeting a few days ago, where Fangs and Antonio Gressi were murdered, Kazuo returned to Ardent Crest. Upon arrival, however, he was greeted by terrible news.

Kazuo's underboss, the right-hand of the Crimson Pact, was found murdered the same evening… but not by another syndicate, by something supernatural.