Mac Whitter always paid careful attention to his appearance. He stood before the floor length mirror, adjusting the cuff of his sleeve. The smooth, tailored fabric glided against his fingertips. He lifted the crisp collar of his shirt and slid a silk tie around his neck, knotting it artfully.
His reflection appeared on half of the mirror while the other half flickered with the soft glow of augmented overlays—news feeds, stock tickers, and social updates scrolling in muted tones. In the background, Mac listened to the AI assistant's cold automative voice read the morning headlines.
India and China's De-escalation Summit Cancelled After Failed Assassination Attempt of China's Ambassador.
As Refugees Flee, UN Leaders Scramble to Address Another Humanitarian Crisis.
Rogue Geneticist Sentenced to 50 Years for Human Abuse Violations.
"Details," Mac said. There was a flicker of concern. He had been loosely following the case since the doctor's arrest last year.
Judicial Division of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has convicted geneticist, Piotr Kovács, of over 1200 human rights violations and abuses under crimes against humanity and has issued a 50-year sentence to be served at ICC Detention Centre's prison complex in Scheveningen. Dr. Kovács was handed over to ICC Registrar, Kitty Naydeena, on Thursday to coordinate his detention under ICC authority alongside four other accomplices.
Mac listened thoughtfully, flipping down the crisp collar and adjusting the knot of his tie. His fingers smoothed down the front of his shirt, tracing over the delicate texture of the buttons, cool and firm beneath his touch.
All five were convicted of running a nearly 30-year covert operation conducting experiments on children, some as young as ten-years of age at the time. In addition to the 5 convicted ringleaders swept up in the ICC raid, 611 persons accused of being complicit in the crimes are still awaiting trial and include school administrators, local government officials, members of the clergy, and parents of the victims. More details are still being uncovered as testimonies from victims and witnesses are –
"Next Headline," Mac skipped ahead.
CN Officials Push for Additional Funding to Support the Expansion of Moon Colonies.
Mac frowned, wondering whether his father's companies had been affected. "Details."
Highlighting the increasing number of people seeking to escape the many conflicts of Earth, officials from the Coalition of Nations (CN) have requested an additional $3 Trillion of funding from UN world leaders to support the expansion and development of future colonies. CN officials and private CEOs of Off-Earth enterprises raise concerns of –
"Next Headline."
More Details of US Water Corruption Scandal Prompt New Demands for Senator Thompsons Resignation.
US President Signs Order Allowing Government to Forcefully Remove Citizens from Their Home.
Mac wasn't listening anymore. His was distracted by other thoughts. He slipped his fitted jacket over his shoulders and tugged his sleeves into place. He hesitated. "Call my father," he interrupted the morning news headlines.
The soft chime of dialing echoed through the room. He watched the reflection of the call icon in the mirror as it pulsed. One ring. Two. Five. Ten.
No answer.
He waited a few minutes: hopeful. When no return call came – no message, no text – he scoffed. A grim smile pulled at his lips. He stared at his reflection and breathed a heavy sigh, his throat tightened. With clenched jaw, he smoothed a hand over his already perfectly straight tie. Once. Twice. Then turned on his heel and left.
The ride to campus was silent. Mac leaned his forehead against the cool glass of the vehicle, staring as the world outside rushed by. Propaganda billboards blurred past—some selling military service, others flaunting electric cars only the elite could buy. Mac sighed, the grey cityscape smearing into nothing.
He grabbed a coffee on campus at a café where his friends met up with him. "Where were you?" Jeff demanded launching into an angry tirade, the moment he approached the table, accusing him of sabotaging his chances last night.
"Without the Campus Prince by my side," Jeff dramatically whined, "who's gonna pay attention to me?" He gestured frantically at himself.
Jeff Maloney, bright but absurdly dramatic, had been his friend since freshman year. For reasons Mac couldn't understand, Jeff seemed to believe he was unappealing, frequently referencing his curly hair and average build. In their freshman year, Mac offered to train with him to improve Jeff's physique but was often stood up at the gym following a long night of Jeff's many coding marathons. They abandoned their training sessions, which suited Jeff just fine as he believed simply being in Mac's company was sufficient to attract crowds of women who, charmed by his natural charism and handsome features, flocked to him like a fairytale prince, prompting a nickname that gradually spread across campus.
Mac texted Jeff the number of a girl he'd met last night at the club. He explained that, according to her, she had also been interested in Jeff.
Grateful, Jeff pulled him into a friendly one armed hug. Mac tensed, smiling, and assured him it was nothing. He forced him to sit down and stop making a fuss.
Attention in the room had already shifted, and lingering smiles and curious eyes looked over in their direction.
Jeff noticed the table behind him had a cute girl, eyeing them. He pasted a half grin on his face and raised his eyebrows flirtatiously. "Hey, how ya doing?" While he continued flirting with his neighbor, Mac turned to the rumpled pile of laundry sprawled across the table.
Contrasting the girls who actively sought Mac's attention was his other mate, Cindy. She was the antithesis of Mac's carefully curated manner and appearance. Heedless of public scrutiny, she lounged half asleep in public, dressed in fuzzy leopard-print slippers, baggy sweatpants, and a grey hoody from which her bubble gum pink hair spilled out. Her distinctive morning pout bordered on the look of a sleep addict in withdrawal. Her fingers clutched a half-empty coffee cup, knuckles barely visible under the sleeves that swallowed her hands.
Cindy served as the Student Body Vice President, and despite looking like a little sister going through a breakup, she was a skilled strategic thinker, navigating with ease complex power structures.
Mac asked her to review his notes before they met with the Dean and members of the Board. She stretched like a sleepy cat and yawned violently, leading Jeff to make the comparison to a snake's jaw. Cindy lifted a single finger in response. She squinted at the notes, giving structured feedback and reminding Mac to include key details. They finalized their plans, agreeing to meet up later outside the Dean's office.
Down the hall from the Dean's office, Mac waited. A moment later, Cindy stepped out of the ladies' bathroom, transformed. The sweats, hoody, and slippers were gone, replaced by a crisp blazer and skirt. Her pink hair was pulled into a sleek ponytail, her makeup light but polished. Mac grinned, her heels clicking against the floor as she approached.
"Alright," she said, straightening her cuffs. "Let's go handle the Board."
Mac nodded, adjusting his own. Together, they strode into the meeting room.
About forty minutes later, a door opened out into the hall. "Thanks for meeting with us," Mac said shaking the Dean's hand at the end of the meeting. Cindy excused herself and slipped away to take a phone call.
"Always a pleasure," the Dean replied. "Let's grab a drink and catch up sometime." The Dean affectionately slapped him on the shoulder. He shook his head as if in disbelief. "You look more like your dad every time I see you."
A stiffness, barely perceptible, crept over Mac's smile. He covered it with a hallow laugh. "He'll be pleased to hear that. We'll catch up soon." He slipped away down the hall, stroking the cufflinks absentmindedly with a firm set to his jaw. He looked up and down the hall, but it was empty. He listened carefully and heard a hushed voice coming from around the corner.
As he approached the apex of two hallways, he recognized Cindy's voice. Evidently, the phone call was serious because she spoke in a tense manner. Mac turned, not wanting to intrude, but hesitated at the mention of his name.
"Mac's not stupid. He'd know if he was being watched," Cindy insisted to the person on the other end of the call.
Frowning, he listened, hoping for more information. Was someone watching him? There was a long pause. Mac held his breath, afraid to blink.
"I refuse. Do it without me." She scoffed and hung up the phone. Mac waited a moment before turning the corner. She froze at his appearance, a scowl still on her face.
"There you are." Mac smiled, pretending he hadn't caught the end of her conversation.
She stared at him and a cryptic look flashed across her face. Quickly it was gone, replaced with a tactful smile. His pulse quickened and his own fake smiled faltered.
Both pretended nothing was amiss as they approached the lecture hall. The three had planned to take the class together.
Jeff was already inside and waved them over. He asked about the meeting, eager to share in the news. It was successful. Mac praised Cindy's skill, deferring to her as the true mastermind of their success.
Ecstatic for his friends, Jeff clapped his hands together and suggested they celebrate that evening. Cindy enthusiastically approved as it had been a while since the three had gone out drinking. Mac agreed, but he worried his response sounded stilted. His level of enthusiasm strained in comparison to that of his friends. To him it was just another accomplishment that left him...empty. How disappointing. He smiled to mask his feelings, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
Students filed in, claiming seats, and meeting old acquaintances from prior classes. Jeff groaned. "I'm kinda nervous. This is supposed to be a difficult class." He contemplated dropping it despite today being orientation.
Without warner, the room stilled. Conversations died mid-word. Eyes flicked toward the doorway. Mac followed the ripple of attention, a slight quickening of his pulse before he even knew what was happening. Then—
A figure shuffled in alone, keeping his eyes down as he moved.
Mac frowned. "Who's that?"