Getting a call from Stella was unusual, especially when she knew I was at work. But her voice was trembling with urgency, saying something had happened to Boris' daughter. Immediately, making me leave the office.

Now, stepping out of the car and into the front door, the maid I had assigned greeted me. She handed over the gift I had instructed them to prepare and then scurried away.

A smile spread across my face with the gift in hand, ready to deliver it to the fragile girl.

She must have had the princess treatment, given her condition of almost fainting at just the simplest task, Cleaning the mess that was made by me.

Remembering the incident made my thoughts drift to Dante, and my expression darkened. Remembering how I killed him, I frowned, stopping in my tracks.

"I would rather die than be raped," those words echoed in my head, making me frown even more.

I'm many things but a rapist, he should have known better, and I should have given him a much darker death; I shook off the thoughts and continued my walk towards the elevator and glided up to the top floor where only my room and her room was located.

Thinking of her made me smile again with the weight of the gift on my arm.

She would so love this - the color totally would match her white perfectly. I remembered the first time seeing her, her white hair had stood out amongst her skinny frame.

The elevator doors slid open, and I stepped out onto my floor, moving straight to her room. I opened the door to find her standing with her hair dripping wet.

"I heard you're sick," I said, walking into the room and shutting the door behind me, she looked surprised, clearly not expecting to see me. Ok Ouch, I winced inwardly.

"I brought you a gift," Walking closer while holding out the box. Her golden eyes moved to the box in my hand, but she took a step back.

"I'm not sick." Her voice was low, raspy, and shaky; I noticed how she still kept moving backward, making me move forward. "Well, I still brought you a gift." She wasn't ready to take it so I added."Take it as a welcome gift." My smile was radiant, I was sure.

She looked at me warily - what a smart girl - before looking back at the box. Slowly, taking it out of my hands, her face quickly changed to a frown, feeling the weight of the gift.

It was slightly heavy as the content was bound to have weight with what was inside after all.

I pocketed my hands into my trousers, standing there, watching as she squatted down to the floor. Couldn't use one hand to hold onto the box and open it, it seemed as she still struggled to open the box with two hands, but finally, she succeeded.

And that's when the good part started. Hearing her gasp before seeing her shake like a leaf. "Take out your gift," I said, squatting down to her eye level.

She looked at me with teary eyes. Oh, please, the gift was great - a perfect decoration. Having a head, and not just any head, but the head of the man who tried to rape her, was the best gift she could ever think of.

I moved my head towards the gift box where Dante's head lay peacefully in it. I looked over to her, but she was looking sideways, trying not to look into her gift. How rude.

Grasping the back of her head I turned her towards her gift. "Creative, isn't it." she struggled against my tight grip, and I tightened it more, making her scream. "Stop."

Stop, she said stop, but I'm just getting started. This was entertaining, a welcome change that I had needed, having to do the same thing all my life. And she's about to change that.

"Please, please, please," she kept chanting those words, but to me, that was nonsense. It was just a head, after all. Why wasn't she accepting my gift? A gift that came from the deepest part of my heart.

"Stop, please," She begged with tears dropping down onto Dante's poor, lifeless head. I released my grip on her head, watching as she quickly scrambled up and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her.

Pure entertainment, that's what I felt. Having to break someone mentally was the best entertainment you could ever find - just like how they broke mine.

I sighed, pulling out a cigarette, lighting it up, and taking a long drag while gazing at Dante's head. The three bullet holes were a beautiful decoration, one that she couldn't even appreciate.

What a shame, picking myself up along with my gift, she didn't deserve it after all, È la figlia del bastardo, (She's the daughter of that bastard). Screaming was heard coming from the bathroom, but I didn't care. My job here was done, and I turned to leave, but Stella was in front.

She's looking as if she seen a ghost, which wasn't surprising as it was unexpected to see me leave work because of something like this, but I needed a break once a while and having this girl, I knew a whole lot of fun was about to come.

"I believe this belongs to you, si?." I said, handing over the gift box and walking out of the room.

Leaving Stella standing like a statue and my slave screaming like a fool.

What a nice day... isn't it!??