★Miss red can be nice★


As soon as her eyes snapped open, I froze. We stared at each other aimlessly. But instead of the venomous glare I expected, she frowned.

Looking so confused and disoriented, she whispered softly."Why are you looking at me." Her voice is barely audible, and the tone~lord have mercy~ tone was not something I'd ever heard from her before - gentle, almost vulnerable.

Not matching the personality I knew of her. "Huh?" I stood there, dumbfounded, struggling to reconcile this new side of Miss Red.

Did she hit her head somewhere, ~haha~ I laughed inwardly? I did hit her, but that didn't mean she would be looking this confused.

Her frown deepened, and she raised a hand to her face, wincing as if in pain. She looked around, taking in her surroundings, and her confusion grew more. "Why am I on the floor?" she muttered, trying to push herself up.