Between Love and Duty

Lucian and Mara approached the leatherworker's shop. The town's recent devastation, caused in no small part by Lucian's presence, was still fresh in the minds of the townsfolk. Glares and whispered accusations followed him like shadows, though he could not control them at his whim. It was clear that many blamed him for the wrath that descended upon their town.

Before they could reach the shop, a heavy-set man with a stern expression stepped into their path. The mayor, his broad shoulders and well-worn cloak told them that he was one of the good ones. Despite the weight he had likely gained from his position, he did not put a lot of weight into regaling himself with fancy jewelry or trinkets, his outfit having survived many of the harsh seasons that beat down on the town. He approached and regarded Lucian with cold eyes.

"You," the mayor began, his voice firm, "are not welcome here."