Fake it Till You Mage it

Walking into class, I felt like I had already failed.

The room was lined with rows of desks, students settled in with open tomes, ink-stained hands, and the unmistakable air of people who actually knew what they were doing. The atmosphere was charged with magical energy, subtle but present, and I was honestly a bit shocked that I could feel it. Perks of the host I supposed.

I moved toward an empty seat near the back, keeping my pace measured, controlled. If I looked confident, maybe no one would notice how little I belonged here.

The professor, a tall, lean man with streaks of silver in his dark hair, glanced up as I sat down. His robes were pristine, and his posture screamed academic authority. He studied me for a moment before offering a small nod.

"Caidan Vale," he said, his voice carrying easily through the room. "It's good to see you back."