
Malek: The world is falling apart... 

•the carbon atom refuses to burn... Physics has lost all its logic... 

Malek: there is no meaning to human existence now...

•let us live like planets, the black hole will swallow the sun... 

Rejoice, the sky is crying... 


Malek: Do not drown... 

•Midnight, or midday, it seems all the same here. 

Malek: Both the sun and the moon are visible; the sky has split. Complete it, 

•pain of my heart, where were we... Who are you? An angel with two heads,

Malek: a demonic angel. Beware, love is a mental institution. 

•You are fond of music, and she favors the musician with haunted instruments. You love the game, she loves the players. That devil is closer to being a cursed addiction... 

Malek: The 'B' of the body, the 'R' of a rose,

•the 'V is void, and the 'D' for your eternity disbelief.** 

Malek: Another 'B' for your boldness in the "f" of the forgotten,

•and the 'E' of the ego in the 'D' of a worn religion. 

Malek: Your core is stone;

•do not call out for your mother in the midst of battle, no matter how much your wounds burn. You do not die unless your body perishes before your soul... 

Malek: The 'P' of pain, the 'R' of relapse, the 'f' of phobia, and the 'T' of trauma. Another 'f' for you, and the "D" of death. Schizophrenia, my dear, is more than just an echo of sound. 

•Your presence is like Christmas, oh cold one, you are the source of snow in this world. I do not feel my body... and it will take until my heart melts 2005years. WhY God gives you a beautiful voice?

Malek: And you, all of you, remain silent... I do not debate His creation... Except for the schizophrenia He created, and it endured for so long. 

•Why do you appear so angelic? The blackness of my lungs envies the blackness of your heart... You've turned me into a heap of humanity, half Cain, the other half Abel... Your epic plays out in my cells—

Malek: where is your cursed blood? why do you shed salt while I, drunk, sway toward you? 

•'Tubtu laka ya Rabb, khallisni minha, atawassalu ilayka bi-istihya

Release the 'A' of ash, the "T" of time, and the 'L' of life. 

Malek: go,

• where do i go? 

•There are no answers here... When intoxicated, you'll decide easily, 

And the voices will vanish without insult... You'll see a halo around every deep soul. Why do I resist this gentle tickle in my brain that feeds me? 

How could I not relish these hundred needles stabbing me? 

It's more beautiful than words can describe; the euphoria is peaceful. 

"Assalamu Alaykum," 

Malek: but not every 'Salam' is safe. 

•Paralysis strikes me, my eyes move, and my fingers write... Noah's ark. 

Time slows down, and I detest the letters that are difficult to type on this board. Everyone is fine, the sky is fine... 

Let us die tonight and wake up tomorrow. 

The night is a killer of lovers. 

Healing be upon us, my lords. 

The lover is afflicted... 

So what of the one addicted to love?