41. Shadow Hunter

41. Shadow Hunter

The whistling of the winds picked up at one of the nearby mountain peaks like a solemn tune, the roof of the trees were coated in a bed of white, their leaves weighed by their load. In the sky flew a lone silver owl with dark claws and beak, his huge beady eyes scanned the entirety of the mountain in one glance. It flew through the air like a kite riding the waves of wind gently without any disturbance it ruled the the sky with pride.

The silver owl continues to circle a certain part of the mountain for minutes eyeing a lone white fur mountain wolf that seemed to be an outcast from the pack. From the enchanted view of the owl the wolf was sitting quietly under a ledge licking it's paw as a part of its skin care or fur care routine. It played with it's paw for a few minutes oblivious to the shadow that darted throught the forest of trees and approach it.