51. Mountain Wolf King

51. Mountain Wolf King

Eryndor gazed down from the plateau to see what appeared to be a huge white fur ball from the distance, the speed at which it moved was frightening. It cleared huge distances in seconds, it was like putting on the fast forward button on a moving projectile.

Eryndor watched the projectile climb up the mountain he had spent painstakingly hours to climb in a matter of seconds. Still dazed by the sight Eryndor failed to hide himself from the approaching blur, his legs were paralyzed not by fear but by surprise.

By the time his senses came back to him he only had seconds to withdraw to a nearby boulder before the blur launched into the air and crashed peripheral of the plateau sending heaps of snow flying and knocking Eryndor down just as he reached the base of the boulder. Eryndor's descent was cushioned by the bed of snow that buried him.