71. Battle Against The Wild Boar

71. Battle Against The Wild Boar

The group of hunters were without a doubt adventurers. In their group the main powerhouse was their leader, a thirty foot rock golem that looked more slender than bulky making it capable of swift movement. The golem was one of the humanoid species that was well known in the areas, he was known as Garult the west blade.

He used his sword to slash at the head of the wild boar, it butt it's head at him in it's defense. They clashed and at the right moment he jerked out of the way and screamed. "Larius!"

"Right." Said a young elf who was armed with a bow and arrow. He let two arrows fly in the air which would have not been effective at first but he was also an intermediate wind mage, he wrapped the tail of his bows in a funnel of wind that propelled them further increasing their speed. The arrows did not miss their mark as they both lodged into the eyes of the wild boar causing it to roar out in rage.