
(Information that would be referred back to in the novel. May go through changes and updates. Will contain spoilers.)

Theatrical Points

Points needed for her to acquire things from the System Shop. These are acquired from certain actions of hers that are considered entertaining towards the "Lady Of Fate" and ranked into three categories that will yield different amounts of points.


- Exaggeration: 3

- Expressions: 2

- Gestures: 3


- Exaggeration: 10

- Expressions: 8

- Gestures: 10

Overly Dramatic

- Exaggeration: 40

- Expressions: 20

- Gestures: 40


An autonomous creation crafted by the Gods to satiate their boredom.


Whether it be an item or a monster, the Jester would choose whether or not it would summon a gate upon either activation or defeat. It is usually already pre-created by the Jester.


A realm created by the Jester with a point in history in mind. Depending on what Gatebearers were the cause of it, those attempting it must slay/defeat a version of it in history.

After a person has completed a trial, they will be rewarded with either a trait or an element. Not only that, but they would ascend to the next tier and forcibly cause the person's next Mana Shell to form.

People of the higher tier cannot join a trial, with the majority being lower than them in the tiers. However, if the majority is of higher tiers, then people of the lower tiers can join them.


Abilities acquired through Trials that relate to a specific element.


Natural elements: elements that were most commonly found during the creation of the universe.

Unorthodox Elements: elements that are either man-made or conceptual.


Tier 1 = Aspirant

Tier 2 = Disciple

Tier 3 = Champion

Tier 4 = Master

Tier 5 = Grandmaster

Tier 6 = Exalted

Tier 7 = Paragon


Like humans, monsters can also rise through their hierarchy of strengths through long and large exposure to remains and remnants of fallen gods.


Rank E - Feral

Rank D - Savage

Rank C - Dire

Rank B - Prime

Rank A - Great

Rank S - Apex

Rank SS - Colossus

Mana Core/Shells

The centre of a being's mana is stored and utilised.

The shell of a mana core is formed through breakthroughs in mana or by completing a trial.

Each shell allows the storage of three additional Shards.

Mana Shell tiers

1. Wretch 

2. Gnarl 

3. Maw

4. Husk

5. Gore 

6. Reaver

7. Dread


Items received through the defeat/death of an entity that relates to a part in history of theirs with a spin. All Shards are stored inside the Mana Realm of each individual Mana Core and will slowly repair over time.

Mana Realm

The realm within an individual's mana core that stores their Shards.

A major factor in a person's cultivation of their mana.