Marionette stared at her silently, watching as Lillian took in big and deep breaths. She eventually spoke to her and said with a blunt and stern voice:
"You'll be fine. Growth takes time and effort. I'm sure your muscles are just screaming at how happy they are."
Lillian stared at Marionette's outstretched hand before shakily reaching towards it slowly and grabbing onto it, pulling herself up.
"But I would've at least wanted to be warned before it happened. That damn ghost was so merciless with its actions!"
Her eyes twitched with irritation.
The cursed Phantom Conductor was now revealed to be a skill that would move her body towards the best possible position, albeit straining her body and lack of anticipation for surprising events.
She knew the Phantom Conductor was startled by Marionette's rapier passing through her.