Mistfilled Hall? [Skippable] (edited)


This chapter is skippable if you don't wish to waste any of your fast passes or coins.


[3rd POV]

From an infinite height, above the artificial clouds of the Academy Realm, was a small swirl of pure greenish energy.

It hovered in the air, tilted slightly downwards, facing seemingly nothing.

It had the energy of a disastrous Gate—this world's inhabitants have come to know so much—but it didn't infect its surroundings with its festering aura.


Instead, if one were capable of sight that was able to look past the clouds and make out the little blurry humanoid figures below, one would find it to be staring at a group of three commuting to a large modern academic building.

While it remained inactive, it suddenly shifted colour—one to a more blueish shade—and now displayed an eye at its core.