Watching TV?

Lillian laid back against the couch, patting her stomach. She had just finished dinner and washing up.

Since she didn't have pyjamas of her own... she had to resort to using Marionette's once again.

She wore a white T-shirt and black shorts. By now, she had begun to understand Marionette's choice of colours.

She shuffled around on the couch—prepared to not get up from it.

Fortunately for her, Marionette had volunteered to do the dishes. So now, she can just sit back and relax...

She then pouted:

"Oh right... the homework... I guess I can get it done now."

She whipped out her pen and notebook from her spacial ring and pulled out her phone to look at the questions.

It wasn't particularly difficult for her, since she had remembered the answer to all of these. But she did have to admit that the act of recalling was the only challenge.

"Is she even going to understand this?"