When I woke up, it was to a heavy weight slung over my stomach. I felt the warmth of a body behind me and soft breathing by my ears. I never thought that safety would be a word I would use to describe how I felt outside considering that my life was in danger every second I was in these woods but I felt weirdly safe.

There was something about Caine- his presence and the feel of him behind me that had me feeling safe. Before I knew what I was doing, I nuzzled closer to him and to that source of heat but stopped short when I felt something press into my ass. My mouth dried up and every thought flew out of my head as his hands gripped me tighter and a groan left his lips.

I wasn't sure if my stillness was because I couldn't move or because I didn't want to. I shut my eyes, hoping that it would be enough to pretend like it never happened but the evidence was pressed up to me and it was huge.

"You're a fucking tease, even when you're asleep," I heard him groan but he didn't move.

I couldn't help but wonder if maybe I had accidentally done this before while asleep. My cheeks warmed and still, I didn't make an effort to let him know that I was awake. He didn't seem inclined to move either so we stayed there for what felt like hours but in reality was only a full minute.

He pulled back first and dragged himself out of the sleeping bag. I heard him moving around quietly for a moment but I still didn't move.

"I know you're awake," he drawled and I finally snapped my eyes open. I turned to find him seated on a rock, an apple in his hands. "When you're ready to get up, let me know and we can keep moving."

My cheeks burned a bright red. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"You were too busy feeling me up, I couldn't deny you the privilege, now could I?"

My mouth dropped open. "I didn't feel you up. You were the one that was-"

I couldn't say the word. I had laid in bed with him, almost seen him naked and I still couldn't say the word. I tried to tell myself that it had little to do with the fact that he was grinning at me and waiting for me to say it but even I knew that was a lie.

"It's called morning wood, princess," he pushed to his feet. "Roll up the sleeping bag. We have a long way to go."

I mumbled a few curses under my breath at him and dragged myself out. I shrugged my jacket off, trying to hand it over to him but he shook his head.

"Keep it, it may be cold today."

We spent the rest of the day in silence, mainly because I was too embarrassed to say anything. He brushed it off like it was nothing and I couldn't help but wonder if he had ever done anything like this before. There weren't a lot of female guards but they existed. Most of the females worked in the kitchens but there were the exempt few who would go out with the other soldiers.

I had no idea why I was concerned about his sex life but seeing as he was the only other human for a few miles, I cleared my throat.

"Did you ever sleep with any of the other guards?"

He stopped walking so fast that I barely had time to hit the breaks myself and collided into his back. "Ouch."

"What the fuck kind of question is that?"

"I'm curious. You're a man and you have needs. You don't expect me to believe that you have been celibate for so long."

He narrowed his eyes at me for a second before turning away from me and heading forward. I should have let it go then but there was no way I was going the rest of the way in silence. I quickened my steps until I was in step with him.

"I'm curious, Caine, humor me."

"Have you fucked any of the people in the bunker?"

My cheeks flushed but I shook my head. "None of them ever caught my eye. Now, you answer."

"I have one rule, princess, I don't fuck with women who have knives."

"What about the women without?"

I could have sworn the corner of his lips pulled up into a smirk. "Maybe. I'm not discussing sex with you."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to, now shut up."


That was how the rest of the day went. It was me pestering him and him ignoring me. Even though he shot me annoyed looks from time to time, I could tell that he didn't mind. If for even a moment I thought he did, I would have gone silent.

Besides, it was a good way for me to ignore the hunger in my belly. We managed to find a few fruits to forage but nothing big enough to sustain us.

"Are we going to eat fruits forever?" I asked, hating how small my voice sounded. "Where do you all find normal food?"

"There may be food stashed in the second hideout. We sometimes keep things there in case we return. Another animal may have gotten to it first but if we are lucky-"

He trailed off, clearly not wanting to give me false hope but I could already feel that bubble in my chest. It had been a while since I had a proper meal and I would kill for one right now.

We stopped moving sometime as the sun began to set. Caine found a decently sized cave and walked over to it. There was a small stream in front of it, but it wasn't anything huge that needed to be swam in. The water only reached up to our torsos. Still, I found myself pulling off my pants and shirt before going in.

"Look at you being comfortable getting naked in front of me," he drawled and I flipped him off.

He laughed.

In all the time I had known him, I didn't think I had heard him laugh once. The sound caught me off guard, freezing me in place as I stared at him. His head tipped back, his eyes scrunched up and a single dimple evident on his cheeks. He looked like a completely different person.

I had to remind myself that it was wrong to stare and looked away but I still couldn't get the sound out of my head.

I stayed in the cave while he went out to forage for more food. I made a mental note to go with him next time. I needed to learn what was edible and what wasn't just in case. I set up the sleeping mat and waited for him to return.

The sun was setting and it was getting late but he wasn't back. I knew he could handle himself but I found myself getting worried. I had half a mind to go looking for him when I heard something like a twig snapping.

I shot to my feet immediately thinking it was Caine and made my way over to the mouth of the cave but I couldn't see him. I listened hard, waiting to hear a sound, anything to tell me who was out there but there was nothing, merely rustling trees and wind that seemed to be coming from everywhere.

"Caine?" I called out softly but I was met with silence. "Rowan Caine if this is some sort of sick prank, I swear-"

A low growl filled the air and fear paralyzed me. I wanted to scream but no words would come out.

I heard the growl again and I could tell that it was closer this time. I turned to run when I felt a hand wrap around my mouth and I was pulled into a hard chest.

"What the fuck did I say about using my first name?"