My head was a swirling mess.
There was only one coherent word in my thoughts and that was Rowan- his scent, the feel of his skin, his lips, his hands, everything about him. He was like a virus in my head and I didn't care enough to want him out.
His hands were all over me, his teeth nipping all over my bare skin and all I could do was try not to scream. He was driving me insane, his scent filling the space around me, clouding my mind and judgement because I refused to believe that in my right mind, I would let Rowan fuck me in the dim employee's room while there could be monsters out there.
I didn't realize when he walked us over to the couch until my back hit the surprisingly soft cushions.
He kissed me deeply, his fingers moving lower to slip into my pants and I nearly sobbed with relief when I felt his fingers brush my clit.