It took far longer than usual for Nadine to fall asleep.

She didn't care that I was covered in blood and grime, she would not let me go. She stayed curled up in my lap until her eyes finally drifted close. Even then, I was wary of letting her go for fear that she would wake up. I just stayed there watching her until I was sure that she wouldn't rouse.

The first thing I did was find somewhere I could get cleaned. My clothes weren't salvageable, but I managed to find a rag that I used in scrubbing myself clean- or at least, as close to clean as I could get.

I hadn't slept.

It would bite me in the ass later, but there were more important things at stake right now.


As I opened the door to the office, Jennifer turned to look at me.

"Is he awake?" I asked softly and she shook her head.