With renewed resolve, they resumed their slow, dangerous journey downward. Over the next several days, the challenges grew ever more daunting.
Icy crevasses, falling stones, and sudden gusts of wind threatened to lash them against sheer clifs.
At every turn, Argolaith recalled the ancient wisdom he had painstakingly transcribed in the ruins—the lessons of resilience, the secrets of balance, the hidden arrays that taught him to move as one with nature's fury.
They often paused to rest in narrow alcoves or beneath the shelter of ancient stone archways.
In these rare moments of respite, they cooked additional meals using magical herbs and fresh meat from the guardian, ensuring that every morsel restored their strength.
They prepared hearty stews, simmered slowly over small fires that defied the bitter cold, and shared quiet conversations about the future and the legacy they hoped to leave behind.