A City of Opportunities

With heavy coin purses and lighter storage rings, Argolaith and Kaelred stepped into the streets of Val'Haren, their eyes scanning the bustling crowds and towering buildings.

The city was alive with activity, and now, with gold and magic stones in their possession, they had options.

Argolaith stretched, rolling his shoulders. "Alright, now that we're rich, what's next?"

Kaelred gave him a look. "We're not rich, Argolaith. We just have enough money to last for a while."

Argolaith smirked. "Sounds like we're rich to me."

Kaelred sighed. "We need a place to stay first. Then, we figure out what comes next."

Argolaith nodded. "Alright, let's find an inn."

The streets of Val'Haren were lined with inns and taverns, each catering to different kinds of travelers.

The Gilded Hearth – A luxurious establishment with gold-trimmed banners and polished marble floors.