2. Unusual Circumstance

I woke up at as the light seeped through the window as usual. However, there was something odd today. The color of the ceiling was completely different.

I was so used to seeing that darkened ceiling riddled with stains, but today's ceiling was so white it was like a brand-new house.

It was strange. I didn't remember my ceilings looking so clean and pristine, but then again, my mind was in such a mess for these past few months that nearly everything seemed out of place.But still, my curiosity got the best of me.

I rose out of my bed and began to inspect the room in closer detail.It seemed everything was in place. My Aloe pots growing by the windowsill were still there, and my French reference books were still collecting dust in the bookshelf.

However, the room was just too wide. My apartment wasn't this big, this room was about the size of a private room in a hospital that I was admitted to in the past. Was I sick? Had all the stress finally gotten to me?

No, it couldn't be, I still had all of my things here. There is no way it could've been moved to an identical space without me knowing within one night.And it was definitely someone's house. It was difficult to explain. 

This place had a pleasant scent and was well-kept. Places like hospitals lack that feeling of homeliness, with long corridors, bright invasive lights, and other things I just can't describe.

Was this a dream? Had I overslept and wandered into this realistic world? Only one way to find out. I gave myself a slight pinch on the cheek and began to feel pain.

Was this a lucid dream perhaps? Or maybe, not a lucid dream at all?Let's think. I never made any enemies. Who could want to kidnap me and relocate me to a location that was nearly identical to my house?I scoped out the room again and saw a uniform hanging on the wall. A hanger, transparent cover, and a cleaning fee could all be seen.

Cleaning fee?I hadn't gone to the dry cleaners in months, maybe years, and especially for nothing like this.The uniform seemed akin to what I wore in high school, but it was vastly different in design. It was flashier. A blazer with red and blue highlights.The idea that this was a dream dissolved the more time went on. What the hell was all this shit? I kept searching around the room and slowly made my way to the closet. I opened the closet door, and in complete horror, I saw myself for the first time in years.

There was a full-sized mirror in the closet, it was too late to stop once I opened the door. It was my face from about 10 years ago, when I was 16.

It was a complete nightmare. Was I brought back to my youth just to relive this suffering again? Whatever mystery and intrigue I had to find out where I was and what had happened was immediately shot down. All I wanted to do was lie down and get some sleep.My original life was shit, but to have to relive it again would be nothing short of purgatory.

I had fantasied many more times than I'd like to admit about ending it all. If I had to go through all of this again, I really don't know if I can take it.I shut my eyes and returned to my bed.