In 2237, humanity has expanded across the stars, but for Elric Vale, a struggling technician aboard a cargo ship, life is anything but grand. That changes when a mysterious system awakens in his mind, granting him the power to grow stronger and smarter with each task he completes.
As he navigates the challenges of deep space, the system guides Elric to unlock and recruit a crew of highly advanced AI—each with unique skills, personalities, and quirks. From a combat strategist with unmatched precision to an engineer capable of miraculous repairs, these AI allies help him turn a single ship into the foundation of a formidable fleet.
With every mission, Elric gains new allies, strengthens his fleet, and pushes closer to his ultimate dream: commanding a legendary armada and exploring the galaxy’s greatest mysteries. But as his power grows, so do the enemies determined to stop him.
Elric must rely on his wits, his crew, and the system’s limitless potential to rise from obscurity and carve his legacy among the stars.