
So you work at cafe you're 25 years old you're a normal girl

You were working at cafe but then two men came wearing all black and wearing a mask when the man enter you don't know you feel something different

??: yn can you please take the order

Yn: yaah Irene not again you always do the same thing

Irene: please yn

Yn: ok but they look very creepy

Yn: let me give this order to my customers then I will take their order

So you went to their when you place the order their was a baby crying so you went to the baby "ohh baby why crying what happened don't" so you gave chocolate to baby and the baby laugh you play with the baby but you don't know their was a man lookinkg at you but you were back facing

You went to take their order when you came close to table

Yn: yes sir what you wanna like to have so

Jimin pov

When she came close I don't know why but my heart starts to beat fast I was just looking into her she was so beautiful her eyes and my eyes went to her lips her Rosie lips

Jimin pov end

??: jimin on Earth

Jm( jimin): ohh sorry

Jm:two hot coffee and a cheese cake

Yn: ok your order will be their in 10 mins

??: yaah jimin why were you looking at her is their something ( teasing tone)

Jm: nothing suga I was just thinking something

Sg(suga):yeah yeah we can see

Jm:yahh stop it

Yn: sir here is your order.sir do you need anything else

Jm: no (in cold tone)

Then some boys came and sit on table you went to take their ordered

Yn: sir what you wanna like to have

??: you baby

Yn: what!! be in your limits

??: let me show you my limits

Then he hold your hand and pull you but you slap them and then they become angry they try to kiss you Irene was coming but they push her but then suga hold Irene from falling

Irene: please sir help my friend

Sg: no need (smirk he knows)

They came close to you before they can kiss you someone punch him and it was jimin he start to beat them mercilessly you become worried

Yn: sir leave them they will die

He ignore you but then you hold his arm so he stop they run out of cafe jimin stand you were about to stand but you slipped because the coffee was spiled their but jimin hold you because of that your hand comes to his mask and mask came off from his face you were looking into his eyes and he was doing the same you were shock seeing his face because he was so handsome


I don't know I was feeling some connections his eyes are so deep I will sink in them

Yn pov end

You realize in which position you both were so you stand properly

Yn: I am sorry and thank you for saving me

Jm: no problem

He came close to your ear his hot breath was hitting you giving you shivers

Jm: learn some self defense it is important

You just smile

Scene shift to jimin he ran out of the cafe covering his face and sit on his car

Sg : you know no one should know you're going to be a mafia king

Jm: I know

Sg: you were beating that man

Jm: I was helping a girl

Sg: it doesn't look like that it was like you were in anger jealous possessive for that girl beating him mercilessly but why

Jm: what? it is nothing like that

Author pov

So let me tell you that they are from mafia gang called bulletproof their are 7 members let me introduce

PARK JIMIN the leader of the group and soon To be mafia king

SUGA or MIN YOONGI: the hacker of the group and jimin's bff

JIN or KIM SEOKJIN: the arranger of the group

RM or KIM NAMJOON: the spy of the group

J HOPE or JUNG HOSEOk: the sniper of the the group

V or KIM TAEHYUNG: the assassin of the group

Jeon JUNGKOOK: the fighter of the group

To be continued I hope you will like this fanfic if I get one comment for next chapter I will upload it please give love to this ff