Ignatius sits behind his cluttered desk, reviewing documents and financial records. Luna, his sharp-witted partner, enters the room with a stack of papers.
Luna drops the papers on the desk. "Here's everything we have on Linda Gray. She's been working overtime to hide her tracks."
Ignatius sighs. "Greed can make people do desperate things. We need solid evidence to bring her down."
Luna glances at the clock, showing the late hour.
"I have an idea. We'll set up a fake contractor meeting. She won't be able to resist the bribe." Luna said sitting on the bed.
"Brilliant. Let's make it happen." Ignatius said nodding his head as he stood ready for bed.
"Do you think Elysia would catch the thief tonight?" Luna asked.
"The thief has evaded her for a week already," Ignatius said as they climbed under the covers.
The next day they sat in an upscale restaurant. They had lured Linda Grey to the restaurant. They sat at the back with a full view of the restaurant. Their plan was set in motion they waited. Linda Grey entered. Ignatius and Luna hid behind menus as the server seated Linda at a table. Winfrid walked in dressed in an expensive suit. He turned heads as he seated himself at Linda's table.
"Do you think Elysia will be okay," Luna asked.
"She was still sleeping when we left," Ignatius said. "Zarkon had phoned Magnus informing him of the situation."
Elysia had come home in the early morning hours. Zarkon had made her a warm cup of coffee. While Ignatius kept her company he woke as soon as the back door opened.
Elysia tired and her clothing full of mud retired to her room took a quick shower and fell onto the bed. Ignatius tucked her in kissing the sleeping detective before returning to Luna.
Linda Gray sits at a corner table, looking around. The undercover contractor, posing as a wealthy investor, approaches her.
Winfrid gave her a winning smile. "Ms. Gray, I appreciate you meeting me."
Linda forced a smile. "Of course. How can I assist you?"
The contractor places a briefcase on the table and opens it, revealing a large sum of cash.
I'm interested in fast-tracking some permits. This should cover any...expenses. Winfrid said.
Linda's eyes gleam with greed as she nods and takes the briefcase.
Consider it done. Linda said before she walked away with the suitcase in hand.
Unbeknownst to her, Ignatius and Luna watch from a nearby table. Recorded the entire exchange with a hidden camera.
Elysia sat at her desk. "What a chase we had in the early morning ours." She said as Magnus leaned against her table.
"The little shit runs like his ass was on fire," Magnus grumbled.
The two looked at each other the bags under their eyes said everything.
At least we know it's a gnome. We almost had him. Elysia said her arms folded as she leaned back in her chair.
She jumped as Ignatius kissed her cheek standing behind her. "Magnus good day how are you," Ignatius said.
"Good morning," he grumbled giving Ignatius a disgruntled look.
Luna stepped out behind Ignatius holding a box in her hands. "Good morning chief. I have brought apple pie for our heroes." Luna said as she handed Officer Rose the box.
"Thank you, Luna," Magnus said his eyes on the box with the apple pie.
We have something to show you, Elysia. Ignatius said.
"Follow me," Elysia said taking his hand and pulling him to the interrogation room Luna followed.
Ignatius and Luna sit across from Detective Elysia. "The apple pie won him over at least," Elysia said.
"I know it was Christie's idea," Luna said.
Ignatius takes the recording device from his bag. "This is footage and sound implicating Linda Grey in bribery and corruption." He hands the device to Elysia.
"You're sure this evidence will hold up in court?" Elysia said sounding sceptical.
"Yes it will if they ask we will tell them you recorded the whole thing," Luna said.
Elysia raised an eyebrow. "What did I do to deserve this.?
"Well, you know what you did," Ignatius said. "Steeling our hearts a clue."
"We've got her accepting the bribe. It's enough to charge her." Ignatius said with pride.
Elysia nods, contemplating the evidence. "Let's bring her in and see how she handles questioning."
Linda Gray sits at a cold, metal table, looking defiant. Detective Elysia enters and sits across from her.
Ms. Gray, we have evidence of your involvement in bribery. Care to explain?
Linda shifts uncomfortably but maintains her composure.
I was helping hurry permits, nothing more. I had nothing to do with the mayor's murder. Linda said smirking.
Elysia slides a folder across the table. Containing evidence that clears Linda of the murder.
"Your alibi checks out for the mayor's death. But you're still facing serious charges for bribery and corruption."
Linda's confident demeanour falters as she realizes the severity of her situation.
Linda whispered. "I never meant for it to go this far..."
Elysia stands, signalling the end of the interrogation.
Greed may have blinded you, but justice will be served.
Two officers enter the interrogation room arresting Linda Grey. Magnus walks in puffing his cigar. "Well done." He said his voice filled with pride.
"Thank you Chief," Elysia said. Feeling grateful, towards Ignatius and Luna.
"This year we will beat Hillside in the most arrests made," Magnus said closing the door behind him. "Ready to catch that gnome thief tonight."
"Tonight, he pays for ruining my clothes," Elysia said walking toward the exit.
The scent of brewed coffee filled the air. Victor Harrington pushed open the door of Silvi's Coffee Shop. The bell above the door jingled, announcing his arrival. He scanned the room until his eyes landed on Ignatius, sitting at a corner table, nursing a cup of coffee. Ignatius looked up and his expression darkened as he saw Victor approaching.
"Victor," Ignatius said coldly.
Ignatius. Nice to see you again. Victor said sitting down.
Ignatius narrowed his eyes at the man. "Can't say the feeling is mutual."
Victor shrugged. "I'm not here for pleasantries. I came to make things clear—I like Clair, and now she's with me. No excuses." He said folding his arms.
Ignatius motioned for the tiger beast girl to bring coffee and apple pie. She nodded her head and then disappeared into the kitchen.
At another table, Elysia and Luna watched the scene unfold. They exchanged glances, their expressions full of pity for Ignatius.
Elysia whispered. "Poor Ignatius... It's obvious he still likes Clair."
Luna leaned closer to her friend. "It's heartbreaking to see him forced to listen to Victor after everything."
Victor reached into his coat and pulled out a worn, old map. He spread it out on the table, the parchment rustling slightly. The map depicted a hidden chamber in Mithrilen City, near the palace.
Ignatius motioned for Luna and Elysia to come over. They seated themselves next to Ignatius as the server brought their order. Luna and Elysia held their hands their attention on Victor.
"Ladies," Victor greeted. "This is what I need you to get for me."
"Why do we need to find it," Elysia asked.
"To be honest with you. I am not on good terms with the dwarfs." Victor said leaning back his apple pie half eaten.
"Rowan said that you have the ear of the dwarf king and visit the city regularly." Victor had a sly smile as he said it.
"What if we decline your offer," Ignatius said.
Victor placed three stacks of ten gold coins on the table. "Upfront pay the same amount when you bring me the artefact."
Luna interjected. "Offering ten gold coins each. This is danger pay."
"You're correct Luna," Victor said. "You are smart and beautiful you should come and work for me."
"I will never work for you," Luna said holding on to Ignatius. "Here is where I belong next to Ignatius."
"That is sad indeed. I could offer you wealth heck I would even be willing to marry you." Victor said.
"I am happily married thank you Ignatius is the only man for me," Luna said with a strained smile.
"We will take the request," Ignatius said. "Seeing that you will be the new mayor. We will work with you."
Good to hear. I am planning on staying in Misty Cove for a very long time. Victor said. "Excuse me I have a meeting to attend."
Elysia stared at the man as he left. "I used my inspection skill on him. he is not a human. I cannot see his level or skill."
"He is too high a level for your daughter." Zarkon's voice came from her shadow.
"We will be careful in dealing with him then," Ignatius said.
"I will confess to you. I am sorry about Clair." Ignatius said his voice low and sad. "I thought her to be a good friend to me. She has the potential to be a great friend to the Thron family."
Ignatius eats some of his apple pie. "I was naïve, to be honest. I have always wanted a friend like Luna. She really pulled the wool over my eyes." Ignatius sighed.
Ayla hugged him from the back. "Master, we understand don't we girls."
Luna looks up at Ignatius. "We can never regain what we have lost. But we can create new memories."
"Everyone here has a past, we will forge a new path with good memories," Elysia said leaning her head on Ignatius's shoulder.
"Ayla, please sit with us you too Christie you have been very silent sitting there in the corner," Ignatius said. "Could we sit in silence till I have finished my apple pie? I need you around me."
Christie took ten gold coins from the table placing them in her pouch. Luna and Elysia took their share. Seven maids came down in their flowery dresses and pulled chairs closer encircling Ignatius. They sat in silence for a while.
"How does a picnic sound," Ignatius said.