Swift Strike the Vine Fiend

DK's grip on his blade tightened as the massive Vine Fiend loomed before him, its twisted, thorn-covered form towering over the surrounding vegetation. The creature's movements were slow and deliberate, but its countless writhing vines darted through the air with alarming speed, lashing out like serpents. Each strike was sharp and relentless, forcing DK to move constantly just to avoid being ensnared.

He dodged a particularly vicious swing of a vine, the sharp thorns grazing his arm. "Alright, big guy," DK muttered under his breath, his eyes fixed on the creature. "Let's see what you've got."

Rather than rushing in, DK circled the Vine Fiend cautiously, watching the patterns of its attacks. Whenever he slashed at a vine, it fell away briefly, only to be replaced by another almost instantly. Cutting through them was useless—this thing wasn't going down by hacking at its appendages.

"DK, what are you waiting for?" Lucy called out from the edge of the clearing, her staff glowing faintly. "You're not going to win a staring contest."

"I'm figuring it out," DK shot back, dodging another vine that cracked like a whip against the ground. "These vines aren't the target. It's the core—the main body. That's what I need to hit."

The Vine Fiend's glowing crimson eyes tracked him as he moved, its mass shifting slightly with each step he took. DK realized the creature was deliberately keeping its body out of reach while relying on its vines to do the work. It was a battle of endurance, and the creature seemed confident it would win.

"Not if I can help it," DK muttered.

He darted to the left, feinting as though he planned to attack one side. Several vines lashed out in that direction, leaving the creature's main body slightly exposed. DK seized the opening, dashing forward with mana surging into his legs for an extra burst of speed. The hum of his Nexus Core intensified as he prepared to strike.

Swift Strike.

The system's familiar energy coursed through him, sharpening his focus and amplifying his movements. His first slash came clean and precise, his blade cleaving through the dense vines shielding the creature's side. A second slice followed immediately, cutting deeper into the main body. The Vine Fiend let out a guttural roar, its vines writhing wildly as if in pain.

"Almost there," DK whispered, his breath ragged.

The creature reared back, its crimson eyes glowing brighter as it swung a thick cluster of vines directly at him. DK ducked, narrowly avoiding the attack, and pivoted to position himself for the final blow. With a burst of mana, he launched himself upward, his blade arcing toward the center of the creature's mass.

The final strike cleaved straight through its glowing eyes, splitting its core in half. A wave of energy rippled through the Vine Fiend as its body convulsed, the vines falling limp one by one. The creature let out a distorted screech before collapsing into a heap of tangled plant matter.

DK landed in a crouch, his chest heaving as he tried to steady his breathing. The system interface flickered into view, confirming his victory.


His gaze lingered on the notification briefly before closing it. His muscles ached, and his arms felt like lead. Sweat dripped down his face, mingling with the faint stings of cuts and scratches covering his exposed skin. He checked his health instinctively.

HEALTH: 10/15.

MANA: 27/47.

Though the fight had been quick, it had taken a toll. The small injuries and rapid mana usage were adding up faster than he liked.

Lucy approached him, her expression a mixture of surprise and irritation. "You're panting like you've run for an entire day," she said, her tone sharp. "You've taken down a Vine Fiend. That's more than enough practice for someone at your level. Let's get out of here before you collapse."

DK shook his head, wiping sweat from his brow. "I'm not done yet."

Lucy blinked, caught off guard. "What?"

"I need to take out at least nine more," DK said, his voice resolute. "I'm just getting started."

Lucy stared at him as though he'd lost his mind. "Nine more?" she repeated incredulously. "You can barely stand. Killing even one of these things is impressive, but nine? That's insane."

DK grinned, though it was strained. "You said it yourself—I'm something else."

Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose, muttering something under her breath. "This isn't about showing off, DK. You're pushing yourself too hard. There's a limit to what your body can handle, and you're close to hitting it."

"I'm fine," DK insisted, though his aching muscles and dwindling mana told him otherwise. "I need this. Trust me."

Lucy hesitated, clearly torn between dragging him out of the Hollow Thicket and letting him continue. Finally, she threw her hands up in exasperation. "Fine. But if you collapse, I'm not carrying you out of here. And if you die, I'm telling your parents it was your idea."

DK chuckled despite himself. "Deal."

Lucy then tossed a few health and mana potions towards DK. "Take it and replenish yourself before the next Vine Fiend approaches us."