The Beginning of the Cataclysm, Part 2

_Hey Jawara- Blossom tells him- this little boy could become a great scientist and researcher, why not give him the opportunity to be his mentor?

_Of course, but I would rather be the mentor of a child who does not have enough financial resources to pay for college. Human beings only rely on what they see, we blindly believe that a wealthy or very intelligent person is the one who has everything, but that is not true, poor people have many things that rich people do not have, and if among them there is a mind that would like to become a famous researcher or scientist, regardless of their social class or even regardless of their level of intelligence, it would be an honor for me to be their mentor.

_It is very noble what you want to do, but, you know? I think this child is on the list of candidates that you are looking for, because I realized that his mother did not want him to get close to you, as you said, you have to look beyond the obvious! That boy had the resources to see you, but I think his mother doesn't want him to enjoy it or be what you are, so I think he's on the "disadvantaged" list

_ Yes, I believe you, Jacob is a very cute boy, and well, yes, it seems that his mother doesn't want it, so yes, I'll pay attention to him, but keep in mind that because he's a minor I can't impose myself on his mother or his guardians if they don't want it, when he's of age, I'll take him as an apprentice. But, changing the subject, did you see how euphoric Jaidev was when he met you?

_ Yes! I noticed, but don't think that's what you're thinking.

_ Of course! It seems that he liked you!

_ No Jaw! And even if it were, I know that's not it, it's just that, I felt a connection with him like I feel with you, the same with Andrei, you know, a love like between brothers!

_ Come on, Sharon! You know very well that you and I are brothers of s...

A brief tremor begins to be felt, but it only lasts five seconds, and well, although many were upset, seeing that they did not even alert the presence of an earthquake, everyone continued talking, although a very scared Yadir appeared.

_ Sharon! Jawara! Did you feel that?

_ Yes! It was a brief tremor- said Sharon- it seems that I no longer have a good feeling that this is happening, if the government had already said that everything is fine.

_ You said it yourself, little sister! - said Jawara- the government said that everything is fine now, perhaps, it is a consequence of what happened with the eclipse.

_ Come on, friend! Your sister is an astronomer, and yes, although you also study the exact sciences a lot, there are big differences in their applications. You focused more on engineering, but Sharon focused on Earth sciences, space sciences and such things, just like Joshua on atmospheric sciences.

_ My dear lifelong friend, you don't even have a career in the scientific field, how can you tell the differences between these careers?

_ Maybe I'll be a photographer, but in order to understand you, I try to familiarize myself as best as I can with those sciences, and don't forget that I've taken several aviation lessons, so here will be your co-pilot to drive the airspace-wanderer.

A crack begins to open on the outskirts of the auditorium, Yadir was able to introduce it, so he decided to go out to see what was happening.

Yadir speaking in the first person

_ It can't be! I can see asteroids moving from one place to another like in a "black hole" where you can see outer space, but just like planets, planets that left their orbit and now move from one side to the other and crash. It's not possible! Wait! What is that? Is it a UFO? No, it looks like it's a ship, but, like a spaceship, like the ones in science fiction movies, but it looks like a war spaceship, it has a lot of weapons! These are things I had never seen in real life.

Jawara's other friends had decided not to go to his event that day, you can see Britney, Alexander's younger sister, see in the distance from another part of the United States, the same ship as Yadir.

_ A spaceship? What? I'm going to use AI to confirm that it's really what I'm seeing.

AI Voice

_ Hi Britney, how can I help you?

_ Is that a spaceship?

_ Affirmative! It's a very technologically advanced spaceship that hasn't even been created on Earth.

_ How long would it take humanity to create something like that?

_ It's too long! It could take up to three billion years at the most basic level

_ Is there life inside that ship?

_ Affirmative! I see two alien women, who are a mother and daughter.

_ What are their names?

_ Fiorella and Kesil, from the planet Warshap.

_ It's impossible! My theory of the existence of alien life is real - Britney calls to her brother Alexander

_ Okay?

_ Alexander! Brother, I've already checked, if aliens exist.

_ There are many theories about that, little sister, it's not possible for that to be so.

_ I'm not joking! You know where to go

With the code you can

Secretly, the information reached the base of an organization that searches for alien life, which has the purpose not only to know if there is life or not, but to protect the Earth from an invasion or even from wanting to destroy it, its leader and creator, is called Michael Tyndale

_ The information arrived- said Michael- the evidence is already more enlightening.

_ Sorry! I arrived as quickly as I could- said Jaidev, who is Tyndale's brother-in-law.

_ What matters is that you have arrived, Autumn, sister, what can you contribute?

_ Well, with the information given by the sister of our brother-in-law, Alexander, Miss Britney Marais, member of this organization, we can see the family of the leader of an organization known as Infinity, the name of this leader, is Armin Blake.

_ Exactly, dear colleagues and subordinates- said Michael- Armin Blake is the leader of an interstellar organization that seeks peace, but they do not want to do it with Earth, we are a threat to the aliens and they even prohibit marriage between an alien and a human.

_ That's ridiculous! - said Alexander- how would a human marry an alien? We all know what they look like, can an alien and a human procreate children?

_ The reality is that there are many races of aliens in the universe, dear colleagues, but many planets have races that look like us, like humans, and can express themselves like us, both in body language, spoken language, feelings, emotions and can procreate children as humans do. Armin Blake, leader of Infinity, is a Warshapian, an alien race that is trained for war, they are fierce warriors but also very strategic and extremely cerebral, and they look like humans and are as I already described.

_ Are you saying, brother... - said Anna, Alexander's wife - that they, well, those who look like humans like Armin Blake, can also fall in love like humans do?

_ That's right, dear sister, they even suffer like humans suffer, when a loved one dies.

_ Then we are already in danger! - exclaimed Jaidev - because if that ship that is coming at high speed to Earth, is seen to be falling, then Armin Blake's family will die, and if those aliens feel like us, and they hate us as a whole for being humans, then they will want to destroy us now!

_ Calm down, Jaidev, we already know that, but we must act with discretion, if Infinity finds out that an earthly organization knew how to prove the existence of aliens beyond what the scientists who study the universe in search of life have achieved so far, and there has not even been such clear evidence, imagine! It is our responsibility to protect the planet, our home, and if they discover us, they will destroy us first.

_ And how are we going to proceed? - asked Britney

_ Jawara Malenfant, innovative aerospace engineer, had never seen a human being so willing to solve world problems as he is, so he will be key to the protection of our planet.

_ But he does not work for us - said Ginger - or will he join us?

_ That will depend on his decisions, but whether he does it alone, or does it with many others, he will achieve extraordinary things far beyond what he can imagine.

_ But how is he going to do it if he does not even know that we already had him in mind to be the key to salvation? - Adrian Tancredi expressed annoyed - he could feel like a puppet in our hands if he knows.

_ It shouldn't be like that, Adrian, if he knows that we are doing this for the common good and we do it for the reason of protecting the Earth, then he will know that he is not a puppet, rather, he will know that he alone earned the title of contributor to the Earth not becoming extinct.

_ So be it - said LUCIERNAGA member - nobody likes to feel like a puppet in the hands of another, we must act accordingly.

_ Precisely, we have many here - said Esmeralda, Tyndale's wife and cousin of Alexander and Britney - The truth is that it is the beginning of the cataclysm to have discovered INFINITY, but LUCIÉRNAGA, our organization studies space life to find threats and thus protect our home.

_ And why Malenfant? - asked Walter, cousin of Jaidev - don't all human beings want peace?

_ Yes, Walter, that's right- said Michael- but everyone looks for it in their own way, seeing the good in others is a quality, in fact, it is a virtue, and that is not possessed by everyone, but I must say that although that virtue unites us, we must act on how the reality of life is: humanity wants peace, but in its own way, and for that reason, as it is only based on the "era of me first", that is why we cannot afford to see with whom we can collaborate other than with a person who has the proper qualities to do so, as we know, from information from Jaidev, when the first presentation of Malenfant was made

before the Eclipse, there was a teenager who rebelled and gave clear proof that she only thought about herself, although her reasons might seem logical because yes, the COVID-19 pandemic killed many worldwide and doctors could do nothing to stop this disease that was here to stay. Now, her reasons came from her emotions, even beyond that, they came from an egocentric spirit, and she made it very clear by speaking badly of others on social media to the point of making it viral. Being selfish is contrary to being supportive, to having brotherhood, and Jawara wants brotherhood beyond what humanity does, hopefully, and his colleagues and friends, family, can do it with him, because they have those qualities that we need to stay together at the beginning of the cataclysm.

_ So be it! - said Ayana, Walter's sister - because when the tests come, the bonds of brotherhood can also be broken.

_ With all due respect, but my brother-in-law behaves that way! - said Autumm angrily - love, I hope you don't get angry because I say this - Autumm stands up - as you know, my sister-in-law, Sharon, passed away when she was a child, and my brother-in-law blames her directly for her death and doesn't see the clarity of things: she is his sister, why blame her for her death and for the suffering she caused my father-in-law?

_ I understand what you say - said Esmeralda - but nobody is perfect, but what we can be sure of is that that is why we have you here and we value your work here at LUCIÉRNAGA, because you see the whole picture, but empathy is still needed with those who lose loved ones, everyone feels immense suffering, but not everyone expresses it the same.

_ I appreciate you telling me that, in fact, now speaking of Infinity, my brother, Michael, has told us and we have discovered that these aliens feel like us and suffer like us, but we also know that they do not love humans, and the reasons they give is because we are selfish people, who do not help each other, who only promote war. I know that they have a certain degree of reason to distrust us, because as Michael already said, there is a lot of selfishness in humanity, but not all of us are like that, and is that not what they do anyway? They say they seek peace, but... aren't they in constant wars, even speaking of the planet of origin of that Armin Blake?

_ Speaking of empathy- said Esmeralda- I sincerely do not believe that their reason for hating humanity is mainly because we are selfish and do not promote love, I believe that there must be a reason behind it.

_ Yes! - exclaimed Jaidev - if his wife and daughter who are on that interstellar ship really die, they will label us guilty.

_ I think there is another, Jaidev, because using logic and the sequence of events, his entire family was alive when we discovered that Armin Blake does not want us and promotes it in INFINITY and on all the planets of what they call "the Federation". There must be something else, much more sinister behind all this, even behind the selfish behavior of people, something beyond, but I still can't understand what it is.

_ Dear, whatever that is you mention, it is not an excuse for humanity to be selfish, and INFINITY to hate us and even threaten to attack our Earth, I can only say that, it is already the beginning of the cataclysm, we need to survive, nobody is prepared, not even the aliens, no matter how much technology they have.