"Remember. Let me do all the talking, okay?"
Hannah and Riley were now on their way to their designated group. Mr. Alloy gave all the future students of the Academy a number, and it so just happened that the siblings had the same number.
Everyone wondered how they would find their group with so many people, but large circular grass platforms suddenly emerged from the white field, carrying a flag that showed their number.
Hannah and Riley arrived at the platform, and two people were already there. And for some reason, the air was already… lively.
Hannah clicked her tongue as she and Riley approached, adjusting his hoodie so that he would look proper.
"Do no do any weird shit."
"But you told me to be myself, Hannah."
"I did. But you can be extra sometimes with all the weird shit. We—"
Before she could finish her words, however—
A tall, skinny boy with blonde hair and way too much energy suddenly thrust himself forward, grinning wide. "Jericho! That's my name, but you can call me Jer! Or Rico! Or J-Rich! Actually, no, don't call me that. My uncle calls me that and I hate him. I'm not even rich."
There was a long pause as Hannah just… stared at him.
"...Okay?" Hannah muttered, "Calm down."
"And this—" Jericho didn't calm down at all and quickly pointed at the girl standing beside him, her shoulders hunched like she was actively trying to disappear. "—is Pauline! She's kinda shy, but don't worry, she's cool. Right, Pauline?"
Pauline blinked at him in terror and then immediately looked away. She quickly hid her face behind her tall bangs.
"Eh. She's alright, at least I think so. I've only known her for like thirty seconds." Jericho waved his hand as Pauline walked to the side.
"You've only known her for thirty seconds and you're introducing her?" Hannah raised an eyebrow.
"He might be on the spectrum like me, Hannah," Riley whispered. Hannah was about to say something, but she was interrupted again.
"Ooh. Told you people was already going to be here! We late, Sis."
"And whose fault is that? Not mine."
Two people approached the platform, and from their dark skin and the way they were dressed, and even down to their braided hairstyles, it was obvious they were siblings.
And even though one was a boy and the other was a girl, it was also quite obvious that they were twins.
"Quick! The way we practiced!" The girl stepped forward and crossed her arms, resting her back on her brother's shoulder as she raised her chin and introduced herself,
"The name's Bella."
"Benjamin," the boy, Benjamin, threw out some sort of sign with his hands as he introduced himself next. And in unison, the twins opened their mouths at the same time and said,
"And together, we are the Metallo Twins!"
The two spoke in complete confidence, bobbing their heads up and down. But the only reception they received was weird looks, even the ones from the other team cringed at them.
There was, however, one who clapped for them.
"Aha! Thank you for—what in the! You the whitest white boy I ever see." Bella pointed at Riley in shock.
"Is that going to be a problem?" And Hannah quickly stepped forward, staring her down. Bella, however, only raised her hands in surrender in response.
"We cool." Bella shrugged as she leaned to get another look at Riley, "I lowkey dig it, actually. You two… siblings too?"
"Yeah?" Hannah narrowed her eyes.
"Sis. Why you out here scaring people?" Benjamin quickly stood between the two, "No need to be alarmed, we good. We all good. Mr. Alloy there's our older brother."
And as soon as he said that, a loud smack whispered in the air. Bella slammed her palm into the back of his head so fast, it sounded like a gunshot.
"Why you out here spilling our secrets, boy?" She growled at him, "Fucking idiot. I swear. Ignore the fool, he has exactly three brain cells left and none of them are working right."
"Huh." Hannah smirked, "I can relate. The name's Hannah. And this is my brother."
"Yeah?" Not only Benjamin, but everyone else in the group turned to look at Riley… but he wasn't saying anything at all.
"Psst. Riley!" Hannah stepped back and leaned closer to Riley to whisper in his ear, "Introduce yourself."
"Oh." Riley blinked a couple of times, not looking at anyone at all as he introduced himself, "My name is Riley Ross. My current address is—"
"Bro. I told you not to do weird shit!" Hannah lightly hit him in the stomach, "Why are you even going to tell them our address!?"
"But that is how Adoptive Mother told me to introduce myself," Riley confidently said.
"Well…" Bella shrugged, "...I am liking you more and more, creepy albino kid—"
And this time, Benjamin smacked Bella on the back of her head.
"Sis…" Benjamin sighed, "...Rude much?"
"You seriously did not just hit—"
And once again, before Bella could finish her words, she was interrupted. This time, by a voice that was sharp enough to cut through the air.
"...Alright, I'm already bored. Let's get this over with."
Everyone's heads quickly turned toward the snappy voice, only to see a young woman approaching their platform. Her arms were crossed, chewing gum, and it was obvious just from the way she walked that she didn't want to be there.
She was, however, incredibly gorgeous to the point that even the group next to Riley's shut their mouths up.
Tanned skin, long dark hair, tall, her figure practically sculpted to perfection. She looked like she belonged on a magazine cover.
Even Hannah seemed shocked as she looked at the young woman's face. And when Riley saw this, he became instantly confused.
"Why are you making that face, Hannah?"
Bella, still slightly stunned, quickly grabbed her phone from her pocket and shoved it in front of his face.
"Bro. That's Hera," she whispered. "She's like… big, really big. A famous actress. I love her. Look—she's my wallpaper!"
Riley stared at the phone. The screen displayed Hera in a black gown, smiling.
Bella scoffed. "And? AND? She's literally famous!"
Hera, meanwhile, yawned. "Alright, that's enough talking," she said. "I'm just here to watch you brats flex your abilities and then go home. So let's move it along. You—"
She lazily pointed at Jericho.
"Go first."
"Ah!" Jericho smiled as he stepped forward, "My name is—"
"I don't care. Just show us what you can do." Hera quickly shut him down, "All of you are going to pass anyway, this is a waste of time."
"O… Oh." Jericho cleared his throat before reaching his hand out… before putting two fingers inside his mouth.
And then, with a deep breath, he whistled—and suddenly, a thin arc of energy sliced through the air, but before it could reach Hera and the others, it withered away.
Hera stared at the energy wave as it faded in front of her.
Then she waved her hand dismissively. "Next."
"...Damn," Jericho muttered as he returned to the back of the group, "I'm still trying to make it stronger. If I get in the Academy, I will—"
"Next." Hera cut him off as she turned to Pauline. "You."
Pauline stiffened. "...O-okay."
She took a deep breath. She didn't step forward unlike Jericho and just glanced around. "U-um, I can… I can read minds…"
Hera chewed her gum. "Cool. Read his."
She pointed directly at Riley.
Pauline froze.
Riley tilted his head. "Hmm?"
For a moment, Pauline hesitated.
Then, slowly, she turned to Riley.
"Uhmm. I am going to read your mind, okay?" She asked meekly, and Riley only shrugged and said,
"Okay." Pauline nodded before parting her long bangs and showing her eyes, which were already glowing as she looked straight into Riley's eyes. And the second she did—
Her entire body stiffened.
She screamed.