As my eyes opened slowly, the harsh sunlight hit them. It made me hiss. I blinked profusely and turned my head to the opposite side of the pillow away from the sun with my eyes closed. 

It felt better but the warmth and sting lingered. I rubbed my eyelid gently and opened my eyes properly.

"You are awake," Richardo's voice called out from the room. I flinched.

Sounds of his footsteps approached the bed where I lay. "How are you feeling?"

I tried to reply but my lips were numb. Richardo's head appeared above me, his eyes scanned my body, and his lips twitched.

Placing my palms flat on the bed, I sat up from the bed, leaning against the frame behind me. My head pounded and my memories were hazy as I sat there rubbing my aching temples. 

"What happened?" I managed to ask after the long silence. My numb lips felt a little relief.

Richardo sighed, tugged at his shoulder material gently, and sat down on the edge of the bed beside me, "You passed out two nights before."

I tilted my head slightly in his direction with a look of disarray, "Two nights before? Have I been asleep for two days?" I asked in disbelief.

He nodded, "Luisa and I were very worried. We thought we were going to lose you too…"

Slowly I drifted into a storm of thoughts brewing in my head. It blocked out Richardo's words. I can't believe I have been asleep for two days. What happened? The only thing I can remember was my drink order and then…what happened?"

"What happened?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Uh?" Richardo paused. I hadn't realized he was still talking. 

"What happened? How did I get here? How much did I drink? Where is Luisa? If you are here, who is taking care of the company?"

"Easy Tiger, one question at a time."

My face furrowed as I waited for his slow response.

He cleared his throat, "Do you remember going to the bar?" he started, and I nodded. "Good. Do you remember how much you drank?" 

I shook my head gently in response to his questions, "Do you?"

"Nah. I lost count too."

The door flung open, and Luisa ran in at full speed to where I was. Her fists hit my chest and I winced, "What was that for?" I asked my hand on my chest nursing the spot.

Still in shock about the sudden blow, she pulled me in immediately, hugging me tightly, "Don't you ever do that, okay? I thought I lost you too." She murmured over my shoulder.

Her words broke my heart and they made me realize how selfish I was to have wanted to kill myself all in the name of drowning my griefs. 

"I'm sorry. I will never leave you, Luisa. Together forever, remember?"

Luisa nodded, her chin touched my shoulder and I felt a warm liquid on it. Are those…Tears?

I pulled her away gently, my eyes scanned her face. Two streaks of tears slid down her eyes to her cheeks and she chuckled. "Don't mind me for being a crybaby."

"It's fine, I'm sorry." I apologized again.

Richardo cleared his throat, "Aww, so sweet," Luisa and I turned our gaze to him. "No more parties for you, even alcohol will be far from your reach. We can't risk losing you."

"But—" I started but Luisa chimed in.

"No buts. It has been decided." she glanced back and forth between me and Richardo. He nodded in agreement.

"Come on guys, it was just a one-time thing. It won't happen again."

"Exactly. It won't." Richardo replied ironically, he held his ground.

I rolled my eyes at him and returned my gaze back to Luisa, "Tell him it was just a one-time," I pleaded.

"Sadly I can't. Like Richardo, we can't lose you."

"Bul..." I paused as a sudden wave of nausea overwhelmed me, accompanied by an awful feeling in my stomach. My once-dried mouth was now filled with saliva and I began to feel light-headed. "Lies." I completed my word after much struggle. I gagged, feeling the uneasiness crept in. 

I felt a burning rush up my throat from my stomach and I struggled to hold it in, my hand over my mouth to conceal the liquid threatening to slip out.

Luisa jumped out of bed as I gagged for the umpteenth time, she took my outstretched hand that seemed to gesture towards the bathroom. Richardo assisted her and they lifted me up from the bed. As soon as my legs hit the ground, I sprinted into the bathroom to the toilet seat and I let out the foul liquid.

My chest burned as I fetched. More and more liquids came out till there was nothing in my stomach again. 

 Luisa rubbed my back till I was done. 

I lifted my head up from the toilet seat and glanced at my side to find Luisa's scared gaze on me. I pushed the strands of hair that weren't in place behind my ears. Luisa had struggles with those earlier too.

"Kate, you…you look pale. Are you alright?" She held my chin and tilted my head sideways. 

I nodded, gently freeing my chin from her grip. I gripped the side of the seats in an attempt to stand up from the cold tiled floor. My body shook under the weight of my hands but still managed to stand on my feet. Luisa followed suit.


Gently, I turned and made my way out of the bathroom, my vision blurry and my legs heavy. I felt Luisa's hand over my back, probably guiding my steps. 

My eyes caught Richardo leaning against the doorframe. He had a mix of emotions of fear and confusion.

"Are you…"

Before he completed his question, my leg gave in, my body felt light as I landed on the hard ground. The world spun around me.

In gradual motion, my eyes began to close to welcome the fast-approaching darkness. Sounds of people screaming my name hovered above me as I embraced the darkness.


Beep, beep, beep.

The synchronous sound rang in my head, followed by the harsh smell of drugs and blood. I struggled to open my eyes even after being awake for a while. 

My eyes opened after much struggle. The first thing it saw was the blinding fluorescent light that hung above me on the roof, then Richardo and Luisa's faces.

"You are awake!" They exclaimed in unison.

"Get the doctor," Luisa tapped Richardo frantically and he sprinted out within seconds.

She assisted me as I sat up to lean on the metal bed frame. Its coldness penetrated through the white hospital gown material and hit my skin. I hissed but still stayed down.

After a few minutes, Richardo ran in and a doctor walked in from behind him. A blonde-haired average-height lady, whose face commanded respect. Her lips were bright red and her strands were in a high bun. 

She seemed to be in her early thirties, but she was beautiful. Her hands in her pocket as she strode to the bed, a stethoscope hung around her neck. She stopped when she got to the edge opposite where I was. 

"How are you feeling, Mrs. Moore?" a wide smile tugged at her lips as she stared down at me.

"Miss," I corrected. "I feel weird." 

"Oh, sorry for that misunderstanding." she apologized, as she glanced back and forth briefly between Richardo and me. "Well, you being clueless is normal in the early stages of pregnancy…

"What?!" Luisa and Richardo shouted in unison while I sat there, frozen.

"Where are my manners?" She looked at Richardo, "Congratulations to you sir, your wife is pregnant."