
I entered the school weaponry center and walked to the desk.

"Yes, Cadet. How can I help you?"The receptionist asked.

"I need dual blades. Better if it's of a similar size," I spoke giving rough data.

"No problem,"

"Yes, Cadet. How can I help you?" the receptionist asked.

"I need dual blades, preferably of the same size," I said, giving him a rough estimate of what I wanted.

"Your Academy card please!"

I nodded and placed it on the table.

"Got it," he replied, disappearing into the back.

Meanwhile, I observed the place.

For initial progress, it's better to take it from here. Another reason is that in sparring and fights you can only use registered weapons.

Lukas had a bow and dagger as his registered weapons but my interest leaned more towards blades.