A Demon.

Something was terribly wrong. That shadow, shape, gait, it all felt so wrong, unlike anything Shadow had ever seen.

He hadn't noticed it at first, seeing the dismembered bodies of the villagers who gathered around, he expected the shadows that lay about to be in dishevel. Until, he saw that monstrosity.

He couldn't make sense of it, was it an animal, a beast, or perhaps a species that he had never seen before, in any case, the bloodlust coming from the monster was suffocating.

Liora was about to say something, but he couldn't risk giving out their locations. There was still some light that leaked into the cave from the entrance, giving him a leeway to hide and observe the beast. He simply couldn't understand its shadow.

He held her mouth before she spoke, dragging her into a corner hidden in the shadows, he stayed there, his heart thumping wildly as he felt the presence approaching him.