Chapter 17; Tranquil
"Mother, did you see this…?" he brought his hand towards the sky, hoping that maybe, his mother was grasping it.
"For once, I wasn't a burden to Kathy; for once, I did what you would've wanted…"
Gray lay motionless for some moments, enjoying the pleasant sensation of having his skin be warmed by the light of the sun.
After the shaking of his legs diminished, he slowly stood up, noticing that most of the students in the courtyard had already started to walk inside the school's building.
"I didn't hear the bell…"
"Well," he smiled. "It doesn't matter."
He then walked towards the roof's edge, sat in a position where his legs were hanging, took a deep breath, and jumped down.
When he landed onto the emergency staircase, it made a loud, metallic noise, making Gray run inside the school's building.
He was worried that someone would've found out about his little secret venture.
Recalling of how the teachers had yelled at him, his lips quivered as he figured they would call Kathy.
'I'm so fucked…' Gray sighed.
'But hey, at least everything went alright. Nekare won't kill nor harm neither me or Kathy.'
'I wish I could tell her about this, though. If she knew, she definitely wouldn't get mad at me…'
'Now, the only things I should worry about are The Monolith, the Carver of Sigils who accompanied Him, and honing my abilities.'
'It should be only these things right?'
He shook his head.
'Never mind, I still have my issues with memory.'
'But as long as it doesn't get worse, I can forget about it for now.'
Gray snickered. "Heh, 'forget.'"
He walked in the midst of the empty hallways while still being a little bit worried of being alone due to Nekare's invisibility.
'Dusk Catcher showed you the proof.' he slapped himself lightly. 'Calm down…'
A minute later, Gray reached the door of his classroom.
He stood motionless before it, tempted to leave the school building, all to avoid the piercing stares and the teacher's scolding.
"What teacher do I have right now?" he asked himself.
He then coughed lightly.
"I have english; she's going to be mad."
He prepared himself to hear the teacher's nagging for some moments, and then, he opened the door.
Just as soon as his feet entered the class, he heard the teacher shriek like a banshee,
Gray sighed, immediately closed the door, and went to the bathroom, deciding to wander around school for a bit—especially since the dangers were greatly reduced.
He went inside one of the stalls and decided to inform Casanova about the success of their mission.
Gray took the communication device the man had given him, pressing the call button.
He heard some static for some moments, and then, he heard Casanova's voice.
"Good job." Casanova said. "Your commitment to the plan and your quick-thinking are worthy of praise."
"Thanks," Gray smiled.
"Truth be told, I was afraid to follow her, but I had no choice. From what I had known before—the plan didn't depend on only my life. I simply couldn't let Kathy be in danger because of my fears."
"By the way, Dusk Catcher said that she wasn't dangerous. I can't help but feel like an idiot for treating her like an enemy for all of this time…" Gray was ashamed.
"You did the right thing," Casanova interrupted him.
"In the Nephilim's world, everyone in our kind starts out as an enemy. Albeit we look the same as humans, our lives are completely different."
"Normally, if a person asks a stranger for directions, they'll answer without hesitation, lacking the slightest fear of being harmed."
"But for us it's different."
"There are Nephilim who are able to shed their skins and mold their appearance in a tremendously realistic manner, so they could pose as a postman, as a bus driver, as a child, or, if they know about you and your family, as the people you love and cherish."
"They'll strike when you won't expect it. And since your guard is down, they won't miss."
'I see…'
"That is one of the reasons of why your ability to have revelations about the identity of a Nephilim is so esteemed—And it's why you would make an high-value target."
"Since you lack the sufficient strength to protect yourself, you are like a candy, begging to be devoured."
"It goes without saying; this has to change." Casanova remarked, instilling the determination in the his heart.
Gray was now even more worried than before.
But at-least, he was glad that Nekare wasn't one of these kind of Nephilim.
Recalling his agreement with Kathy, he thought about asking for a job opportunity.
Although it wasn't the right time, he decided to get it out of his system.
"Casanova, I know that this might sound out of place, but is it possible for me to work with you and your guys for some time? You know, I want Kathy to go back to school."
"The only issue is the lack of money. Kathy will have to cut down her hours and work part-time once she enrolls, so I want to help her as much as I can."
The man thought for a moment, and Gray, with the company of the static sound, couldn't help but think he was going to refuse, causing him grow increasingly embarrassed.
He always hated asking things to people, thus, it made his situation even worse.
"It's not an issue." Casanova smiled, "I'll have to think about the specific details, but you're in."
"Thank you!" Gray exclaimed.
He was glad that the man had decided to help him once more—even though he knew of the many issues troubling him.
"It's better to keep him close…" Casanova thought, slowly removing his finger from the sniper rifle's trigger.
"What did you mean by groups earlier, before the man had entered inside the bathroom?" Gray was curious.
"Like humans, despite the fact that—as I already said, we regard ourselves as enemies—some Nephilim groups, ideally with the same ideals or beliefs, decide to form factions, amassing their abilities towards a common goal."
"I understand," Gray nodded his head earnestly.
"So, judging from your opinion, Nekare is a Nephilim who acts alone?" he asked, trying to figure out more about this mysterious girl.
She didn't want to attack him, but it was smart to know more about her.
Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies even closer!
"From her actions, I can deduce that she became a Nephilim not so long ago; it makes sense for her not to be in contact with others belonging to our species." Casanova replied after some moments of delay.
Gray's eyes widened.
He immediately asked him to specify.
'It may prove useful if I were to find a Nephilim on my own…'
"Nekare decided to use her ability carelessly. When you were following her, she became invisible without surveying the room for unwanted spectators."
"Could she have done it because she knew I was following her?" Gray remarked.
"That is a fair concern. However, whilst she may have noticed the presence of someone, she wasn't aware of your identity a Nephilim. Therefore, for as much as she knew, she revealed her ability to a human, breaking the timeless concept of secrecy between the Nephilim of every generation," the man added insightfully, addressing the young man's worries.
"Could she have known about my true identity, though?"
"Since you've just awakened as a Nephilim. The amount of power emanating from you is minuscule, rendering it nigh-impossible for someone to detect it, much less by someone as weak as her."
"Amount of power emanating from me?" Gray echoed confusedly.
He had an hunch that the man wasn't going to reply, but decided to ask regardless.
"Everything has its own time and place, and a bathroom isn't one of those locations."
'He's willing to tell me? I'm looking forward to it.'
"I have to go to the principal's office now, the teachers are mad at me for running all over the school," Gray sighed.
Casanova's lips slowly curled upwards. "Earlier, you've spoken about Genesis… Is that the name of your ability? Why that specific name?"
'Now I look like a chuunibyou!'
"Yeah…" Gray smiled bitterly. "I initially wanted to call it Book of Revelation, but my ability doesn't focus on books, so I thought it would've have sounded really dumb."
"It was a fitting name because of my first prediction, though. You know, the one with the trumpets and all."
"I opted for a different name, however. The second dream made me recall of how in Genesis the earth was a formless void, prompting me to choose that name."
"Interesting… " The man muttered under his breath.
"Genesis is a better option. If you had chosen the previous title, any Nephilim aware of that book could have understood its whole purpose of being a 'revelation' just from figuring the name out."
"I-I see…"
"You can go now." Casanova closed the call.
Gray left the bathroom's stall and started to wash his face with cold water, preparing himself of what was to come.
'Kathy is going to be so mad…' he silently complained, starting to make his way to the principal's office.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
"Come in." a man said, his voice sounding strangely familiar.
'What…?' Gray stopped in his tracks.
"I surely can't remember the principal, so why do I feel as if I know him?'
He held the communication device in his right pocket, prepared to call Casanova.
After a brief moment, he slowly opened the door.
"What's up, Montoya." Aldo Marchisella, the music teacher, said.
He sat on a chair padded with cushions, looking relaxed.
"Eh? What are you doing inside the principal's office?" he was confused.
He had one theory—he was afraid that this may have been a figure who posed as his real music teacher!
He feared this was one of the Nephilim Casanova had talked about—the kind specializing in shapeshifting!
"Heh, I got promoted to vice-principal." Aldo grinned.
"You?" Gray blurted out. "After every prank you did?"
'Is the principal stupid?' he sneered inwardly.
"I know, right?" Aldo chuckled, pointing at the chair situated in front of the table facing him.
His expression became tense.
"What happened earlier? Why did your run through the school's hallways?"
Gray sat, took a deep breath and said, "Would you believe me if I told you that my left leg fell asleep, and I had to wake it up forcefully?"
Aldo's brows furrowed.
"At that speed? Wouldn't you fall due to the imbalance your stiff leg caused?"
'He's good…'
Gray's eyes narrowed before he replied with a tense voice, "I'm really good at balancing my body weight."
"I see how it is…" Aldo smiled.
"You have a good reason for not telling me this." Aldo stood up, circled the office and sighed.
"Today is a good day. I got promoted, I gained a quiet, nice office, a comfortable chair and new paid holidays."
'But isn't the principal's office only for—well, the principal?' Gray couldn't help but notice.
"It would be somewhat annoying if I were to call your sister. We both know how she is; she would surely shatter my eardrums after hearing your little Odyssey."
"So, let's say: I, Aldo Marchisella, due to my new position, felt pity upon this young man, for his straightforward pathway had been lost."
'Is he citing Dante Alighieri?!'
"Thus, I decided to pardon him, deciding that his offense wasn't worth the attention of his dear sister."
"Truth be told," Aldo whispered before adding, "I really don't feel like doing this today…are you going to run in the hallways again?"
"No, sir." Gray replied sternly, thankful for the man's kindness.
Aldo stretched his back. "Now go away, I need to enjoy my new chair."
Gray stood up and went towards the door.
As he opened it, he looked at the door insignia.
"Principal's Office."
Without turning around, he spoke.
"This place is named Principal's Office."
"They should write 'Vice Principal's Office too, am I right?" he craned his head, grinning.
Aldo's face darkened.
Gray had understood his secret—the vice principal wasn't supposed to stay there!
"Uhm, don't worry about it, but keep this between us. Don't tell the principal I was here…"
"Sure," Gray closed the door behind him.
'Now, Kathy won't be mad…'
He then went inside his classroom, apologized profusely to Rowan for his past behavior, made up an excuse of why he was acting erratically, and listened to the english teacher's lesson.
After thirty minutes, the bell rang.
And as the english teacher left their class, the two guys started chatting.
Gray turned to face Rowan. "Do you know what I've seen in my small marathon?"
"Nah, what's up with it," his best friend replied with interest.
"I'll tell you, but as long as you keep your voice down..."
In turn, Rowan nodded earnestly.
"Veronica Sacramento was all over a guy, french-kissing him inside our empty classroom—it's not even been two days ever since she left her boyfriend!" he whispered, not wanting to be heard by anyone.
Rowan's face dropped in shock; he awfully resembled a soldier facing the harrowing effects of PTSD.
"You have to be kidding me…" Rowan mumbled under his breath. "I was—I was the first one who called dibs on her…"
He then cupped his hands in prayer.
"Please, you have to show me who's the guy she kissed—I'll fight him for Veronica's hand!"
"Are you dumb?" Gray chuckled.
"We aren't in elementary school anymore. Plus, even if I wanted to show you who she was kissing, I simply can't."
"Once I'd seen them, I closed the door immediately, I was only able to recognize her."
"Please, you have to help me… We have to find him!" Rowan begged.
Gray, remembering to form his habit, did his reality-check. As he saw that his hand looked normal, he agreed to his friend's request.
"Thank you!" Rowan blurted out.
"Don't worry about that." Gray smiled bitterly.
He had to repay Rowan for the disrespect he had given him.
After a couple of seconds, the bell rang, signaling the start of math's lesson.
"Did you do your homework?" Rowan asked.
Once the teacher entered, he called some students to do the math problems he had written on the board.
Like always, Gray embarrassed himself in front of the class with his poor math's skills.
But luckily, the lesson soon ended, and once school was over, he made his way to Casanova's warehouse.