"Good job Micheal" see praised Micheal

"Thanks sea"

"Plan two(2) starts now, sea to the west, I will go to the north and Micheal to the east" Charlie instructed

"Sea are you ready"

"Yes Charlie"

"Now start"

Micheal was walking to the back of the bar when some guys attacked him.

"Charles is coming"

"Ok sea"

Charles was strolling when he saw the guy who poured drink on his body earlier on been beaten up

"What happened?" He asked Micheal after beating the ass out of the thugs

"It's about a girl"

"Why don't we go upstairs to talk I have a room for the night there"


Few minutes later, they were both seated on the bed in the room

"So what happened?" Charles broke the silence

"Well I came to the bar with a girl, not knowing that she already has a boyfriend, he saw us together and hanged up to fight me with his friends anyway thanks for saving me"

"No problem"

"Girls are headache I think I go for guys instead, by the way, my name is Micheal"

"I am Charles, for a handsome boy like you why don't you try a one-night stand it can help wash away today's episode out of your system"

Micheal looked at Charles as if he were contemplating

"You are right but who can I do that with?"

"You can consider me," Charles said in a seductive voice, flirting touching Micheal, who shivered under his touch

"I could do this" Micheal removed his AirPods then captured Charles lips with his, and they kissed and moved in sync, sounds of shorts of breath could be heard with moaning sounds.

A few hours later

Micheal walked out of the room looking obviously tired.

"Guys am outside his room" he called both sea and Charlie and immediately they both came to meet him

"You are tired" Charlie stated, looking distressed.


"So how was he in bed, he was hot right?" Sea shamelessly asked.

"Oh my God, sex with Charles was so good" Micheal said, smiling reminiscing of the night.

"Mission accomplished" sea shouted out and hugged both Micheal and Charlie.

"With this you will leave him hooked up because you left like a fleeting memory with only the smell of sex as proof if the night before" Charlie commented

"That is good for our plan" Micheal added

"2 weeks time we will implement mission 2, so guys get ready"

"Okay" both sea and Micheal answered as the three left the bar simultaneously.


Sunny and Charles were both walking to their usual meeting spot to meet with the other guys.

"Charles, you have not been yourself for more than a week"

"It's nothing"

"But you have not carried any boy toy you sleep with every day and change like underwear recently"

"Am on a break"

"Whatever makes you happy bro" sunny said and walked ahead of him.



"Guys dressed up we have exactly 2 hours to go to the party" Charlie said

"Okay boss" sea said, running to the bathroom to change while Micheal changed in the room.

2 hours later

"Sea you look beautiful too bad am a gay, so I can't go for you" Micheal commented

"Thanks Micheal, you both look yummy, handsome, and dashing, it's such a waste of men, I pity the heartbroken girls at the party"

Sea said, and they all laughed out loud.

" Guys AirPods, wristwatch, phone masks lol set

"Yes" sea added

"Let's go and get those fuckers down" Micheal said in a sassy tone


Micheal, sea and Charlie arrived at the party with their masked on.

"Guys have checked the five flowers will soon enter the party so get ready"

"Ok Charlie" the moment sea said that the five flowers arrived immediately with masked on putting on black suit each, the whole hall was filled with girls screaming

"Sea are you ready" Micheal asked

"Yes" sea walked to the front of the five mandala gang with flowers in her hands and randomly went to the first one and blindly guessed his identity

"Sunny, please accept my love for you" sea said

"Baby you have got the wrong person am mark, sunny is putting on a red mask, but he's a gay you can go fit favor he's in a pink and black mask" mark foolishly explained

"Thank you" sea went to the direction of favor then she purposely then she stepped on the guy putting on a pure black mask while pretending it was a mistake.

"Hey are you blind" the black masked guy said

"Sorry" she bowed her hard down

"Get lost" smiling victoriously behind her mask she ran away like she was scared.

"Man, she's a girl be gentle" sunny said

"Gentle my ass" jack said and left

The moment sea left the five flowers gang, she went to a corner and touched her AirPods,

"The plan is accomplished" she said.

"So the guy with gray color mask is Charlie" Charlie said across the AirPods

"Charlie how did you manage to come up with this foolproof plan" Micheal asked

"It's strategy, I asked manny to check, and he manages to find out managed to find out mark mask color and I know Mark can be fooled with gentle girl personality then we had to do that plan to know who was Charles so we could achieve our aim"

"You are smart" sea commented

"Thanks baby"

"Plan accomplished the mission has started" Charlie said

Outside the club

Charlie went out to receive fresh air at the same time looking around for Charles

"Who is that?" A cold voice sounded from behind him

"Am Charlie said whoever you are is your damn business"

"Get out of my front" Charlie turned around and saw the guy putting on a black mask, immediately he realized it was a jack lanterns

"Or what?" Charlie said in a fierce tone

"You will see what I can do"

"What can you do" Charlie asked, moving closer to him

"Are you sure you want to see me in action"

"Yh, whatever I know you are a backing dog, all dog and no bite"

"What about you?"

"Well mister take this" Charlie kicked jack in between his private part.

"Next time you see run far unless you want your third leg to lose its function" Charlie said laughing

"Well I will haunt you down even it means digging six feet down"

"Spare me that nonsense see you next time love bye bye" Charlie winked flirtatiously at him and left

Jake stood there looking angry thinking of what to do next, it could be seen in the dark that there was a spark of interest in his eyes.