A lot of people will die because of my actions today.

That mental resolve was made as I was securely fastened to the harness of a chair inside the Flameraven again as it sped towards the frontline. Anxious about the looming military operations, I was not idle and had been ceaselessly using thought acceleration to review all the details and running simulations inside my head. Time itself seemed stretched from my point of view in this weird period.

A short while into the flight, four Lightning air superiority fighters appeared on our flight path and settled into formation to escort the gunship. This much was known because even as I sat quietly on my chair with no outside view, encrypted communication chatter between the fighters could somehow just be heard inside my head once I consciously tuned into it.

Somewhat mentally exhausted from my relentless and ceaseless review of the pending operations, I decided to take a break and eavesdrop on their conversation.

'Lightning One, look at the huge gunship! Who is the VIP this time?' someone asked.

'No idea on that Lightning Three, but be on the alert, the command mentioned high possibilities of sneak attack.' replied Lightning One.

'You serious Lightning One? We are way back in the green zone.'

'Say, any of you guys heard a rumour about the AA manticores firing at an unknown target here recently? I heard it was some sort of cyberattack, got a friend stationed near there and he said all the rockets had been fired.'

'Huh, ain't nothing gonna survive that kinda salvo.' someone laughed.

'Bah, I'd rather be in the frontlines now teaching those darn rebels a lesson than escorting some unknown big shots,' another replied.

'I heard the front is heating up so you might just get your wish after this run, Lightning Four.'

'Alert! Reading on auspex, bearing 12 o'clock!'

That startled me and I tapped straight into Flameraven's auspex readings. Sure enough, something appeared on the edge of the auspex range. Detailed readings of the approaching aircraft from the gunship's sophisticated systems filtered into my head and one profile emerged: Archaeopter Stratoraptors.

A cold and flat voice popped into the conversation, 'Lightning squadron, this is Pteraxii Prime Iota 47 of the Adeptus Mechanicus leading Stratoraptor Strike Wing Alpha, we are here to add to the escort of gunship Flameraven.'

There was a pause, I guessed the leader of Lightning squadron was scrabbling to verify the identity of the new flyers.

'... Roger that Alpha, we just received updates from strategic HQ on your arrival. Glad to have you with us.'

'Your compliance has been noted, we will lead from the front.'


'So the rumours are true, we have cogs joining our side.'

"Cogs" was a derisive term used by some of the imperials for members of the Mechanicus, the reason being Opus Machina, the emblem of their religious faith was a hybrid of human and cyborg skull in front of a mechanical cog.

'The cogs sent their flyers too? Just who is it we are escorting, Lightning one?'

'Syrine.' One of the most powerful people on the planet was addressing me, interrupting my eavesdropping operation. Due to the excellent soundproofing of the gunship's interior, it was even possible to whisper while in flight.

'Yes, inquisitor?'

'You have my sincerest apology for what happened with Fulton, though I must confess my reluctance to punish him severely for his transgression due to the need for his talent for the uncertainties ahead. That, and the very unusual circumstances of your unique ability to be able to go psychic at will. Admittedly, I should have picked up on that part earlier with all your interactions with the psykers, so I must say sorry again for my shortcomings.'

An inquisitor was apologising to me due to the actions of his subordinates? He must be up to something.

He paused for a bit then continued, 'but Fulton did commit a grave mistake and nearly created a catastrophe. In the light of that, I would submit his fate to you after this war is over.'

His words prompted me to take a closer look at him. Is he throwing Fulton under the bus to save his own skin or bowing to Syrine's background? I searched for my feelings and found myself harbouring no ill will towards him nor the psyker. In fact, in light of the competency they and the sisters had shown with rapid developments, my respect for the people of this universe had been steadily growing.

'No harm was done,' I replied, 'please don't get too hard on Fulty, I was partly to blame too for what happened. I am grateful for the lesson and advice he provided, and I look forward to another session with him and Tsalieh soon.'

That should secure Fulton's wellbeing for now.

'Fulty, huh?' he chuckled upon hearing my usage of the psyker's nickname, 'I see you generally have a benevolent approach to issues.'

'Is that supposed to be a compliment? Anyway if your appreciation is real please help me at the meeting to push my plan forward. By the way, what happened to Niandra?' The assassin's absence was felt and I was sure she was present at the fort in the morning. But in truth, I had an idea of where she had gone.

Earlier in the flight, there was a sudden request from Kryptorer to utilise my authority for masking some of our aircraft to fly deep into the rebel-controlled territory. They must have confirmed the whereabouts of the rebel leader. Knowing this was the decapitating move we had agreed upon I obliged, followed his instructions and with the backend connection he had somehow established in the rebels' hardware, took over the control of a whole auspex network belonging to the rebels through the Flameraven's wireless connection.

In what could be the litmus test for the whole operation, I observed through the readings as a group of aircraft from our side went further and further into rebel territory until they reached their destination without incident.

One of those aircraft was a stealthy small strike craft that had the hallmarks of the inquisition written all over it. That must have been where Niandra had gone, let's see how Thaberus is going to answer me.

'From what you told me, a total decisive victory seemed like the only way for this world to survive. I will protect the Emperor's domain to the best of my capability. As for Niandra, she took an opportunity to strike on critical targets.'

'Is she a Callidus temple assassin?' I asked out of curiosity.

The Callidus temple was one of the four major "temples" of the Officio Assassinorum, a highly secretive agency of the Imperium of Man's government that employs transhuman super-assassins to do its work. The temple itself mostly employs female operatives due to its unique requirements.

Thaberus looked around before answering me, we were alone in a sectioned off compartment so our conversation being leaked seemed unlikely, but the mere mention of an Officio Assassinorum temple still seemed to make him uneasy. 'Throne, I hope you do not make a habit of talking about highly classified information so casually.'

'Well?' I smiled and pressed, merely more for fun seeing a stern person like him getting stirred up.

'No,' he answered reluctantly, 'it is a long story for another time.'

Suddenly I became aware of the Flameraven being targeted by a myriad of anti-air systems and a flurry of IFF exchanges between systems soon followed, it seemed like we were near our destination.

My stomach felt tight at the moment of truth. I was about to meet a lot of new people, most of which would be in a social league so out of reach in my previous gamer life I was at a loss of what to do when the meeting actually happened.

'Inquisitor,' I crumbled to the mounting internal pressure and whispered for help, 'you know of my real condition, please help should you see me heading towards any social disaster later.'

'You? Needing social assistance?' He actually laughed. So mean. 'I cannot fathom a scenario where that would happen. At any rate, I am sure the Sororitas present would not allow their Holy Daughter to be swarmed by the uncultured masses. You have no idea of the language they used to protest my solo interview session as if I was in a position to bully one such as you.'

A while later, we landed and Thaberus led the party towards the rear hatch. It was a crowd, we were with Rantor, Herlindya, Fulton and Tsalieh with the additional Sister Welminah and Tech-priest Datalid joining in as liaison for Sororitas and Mechanicus.

I noticed the subtle nodding between Thaberus and Fulton, there must have been some standard psychic security measures being carried out discreetly by them.

The rear hatch of Flameraven opened and we were greeted by a small crowd. Standing in the front was Interrogator Amael, flanked by Palatine Alicya and a decorated-looking female skitarius who I did not recognise.

Behind them were three small groups of people; inquisitorial goons-looking gunmen with extra soldiers standing at ease right behind Amael, the same group of sisters I recognised from the inner sanctum was following Alicya, and a squad of skitarii rangers standing still like statues behind the female skitarius.

It looked like a miniature imperium here. Hey, if we have space marines here we would make a complete set. I was still entertaining such silly notions when Thaberus stepped forward, prompting me to follow him down the ramp.

Alicya and the sisters saw me and their faces lightened up. I had this weird sensation as if meeting the fans of my own club, except my fangirls were all wearing power armour and armed with bolters.

'Sir. Syrine.' As Amael greeted us both, I could see a subtle change in the sisters' expression. Wait, are they getting slightly pissy now because the interrogator was addressing me without honorifics? These… formalities concerns might become an issue in the future, maybe I should get one of those Sister Famulous to sort out such matters after the war is over.

Thaberus tilted his head slightly, silently inquiring about the crowd he was not expecting. 'They insisted on coming.' Amael replied to the unspoken question.

I nodded at Amael before greeting the others.

'Sisters, we meet again. Skitarii, greetings.'

The sisters bowed reverently while the leading skitarius performed her sign of cog as a formal return greeting.

'Greetings, Lady Syrine. I am Kira Heptrix, Skitarii Alpha of the second cohort for Dominus Cykell's expeditionary force. We are here to escort you to the command bunker.'

* * *

Stepping into the command bunker, I could feel the eyes on me as my first time meeting with the governor and generals will be happening soon.

So many people, so many important people were looking straight at me. These folk looked like characters straight from the concept artworks of the grimdark universe. They all had an air of great importance about them that could only be cultivated with years of holding important positions.

In front of me were rows of people wearing impeccable military uniforms with rows of glittering medals, and at the centre of it all was a pretty blonde lady wearing a golden suit of power armour.

As a mundane middle-level salary earner back on earth I never had the chance to meet any important individuals, let alone a group of high-level VIPs, but here I was, meeting the top-level people on the planet. Not of a country, but the entire planet.

It would be straight-up lying if I were to claim I was not nervous. My stomach felt like churning but surely it was imaginary as this body had yet to give me the slightest issue yet.

'Esteemed luminaries, your attention please~', Welminah spoke up, her voice amplified by the mini laud hailer built into her scholar attire. 'We, the Adepta Sororitas wish to announce and welcome the arrival of our very important guest of honour.'

That was my cue and all eyes were on me. What was that old saying again? Ah... "you can only make a first impression once", so better not screw this up. With this body, it should be no problem.

Smiling at the crowd, my body moved naturally as it performed the Aquila curtsy. It came out smooth and easy, as the gesture was being done and my head was rising I activated my halo on low-intensity so as not to be too oppressive. A part of me knows this is somewhat cheating and underhanded… I am sorry but too much is riding on this.

I met with their gaze, seeing their pupils dilate and gradually increased my golden halo's intensity. Noticing the unusual sight before them, the bunker quieted down from its bustling noise.

When the whole bunker fell completely silent I spoke, 'Greetings to all. I am Syrine, daughter of the Emperor and bearer of His authority, glad to be making your acquaintance.'

There was a slight pause before the sound of murmurs rose from the crowd. Amidst the little ruckus, the Sororitas representatives rose as one, led by the canoness herself they walked right up to me. They stopped in front of me, performed their Aquila signs and knelt.

'I, Diadinah Grace, Canoness of Adepta Sororitas representing the Order of The Shining Beacon, declare to all that we recognise your status as the Holy Daughter of the Emperor and the authority you wield in His name.'

'Say what?' 'IMPOSSIBLE!' 'What absurdity is this??' Amid escalated murmurs, a huge figure rose in the command bunker, walked towards me and bowed deeply.

'I, Arch Dominus Kryptorer Cykell, the highest representative of Adeptus Mechanicus on this planet, hail the Ominissian Princess, direct creation of the manifestation of the Ominissiah himself and acknowledge the authority you wield in His name.'

Upon hearing this, the crowd erupted into an uproar and Thaberus stepped in brandishing his rosette, 'Order! People, order! We have a war to attend to for the Emperor's domain!'

This was the crucial part. While having the support of the Inquisition, Sororitas and Mechanicus were important for legitimacy, in reality, the mundane masses still outnumbered the combined institutions more than a thousand to one. Knowing humanity, there would doubtlessly be political troubles ahead, but those can wait for after the civil war is over.

I sighed internally, raised my hands and clapped once. As my hands connected I cranked my halo to the maximum output for a split second and then turned it off, silencing everyone briefly for an opening to talk again.

'Thank you all for the welcome. While we have much to discuss, all will be for nought if we lose the upcoming battle, so let us win this first before anything else.'

I then started walking towards the planetary governor herself, as my intention became clear to the crowd, they made way and split like the red sea under Moses' command.

'Governor Khatalina von Klaeus,' I greeted the lady in golden power armour with a slight bow, 'I am sorry for not announcing my arrival earlier, I will be in your care while staying on Nusquam.'

Arrangements were made beforehand to notify Khatalina of my arrival but she still seemed a bit caught off guard by my appearance. After looking stunned for a split second, Khatalina's aristocratic instincts went back to work and she returned my greeting with an elegant Aquila curtsy of her own. 'It was I who must apologise, it grieves us all to show a prestigious guest such as yourself the current state of our planet.'

'I will help where possible,' I said in a less than subtle attempt to shore up her legitimacy as a ruler for the planet. 'Governor, time is short and the rebels will be making their move soon, should we cut the pleasantries and start the last meeting before the decisive battle?'

'Indeed, will you do the honours of initiating the meeting?' Khatalina was fast on passing the ball back. This planet seemed to be filled with quite competent people, so I nodded and turned to Kryptorer.

'Arch Dominus, kindly start your presentation.'