Roland's quick return.

As soon as they exited the brothel, Sigrid turned to Brolin. "Go, you already have the location of most of her children, feed them the pill and make sure that she knows. If I don't see that property deed to this brothel when I open my eyes tomorrow morning, find me a means to close down her business.

A woman like her, she will not let her business die, she would sooner die than watch it crumble to dust."

Sigrid dusted off her cloak with gloved hands, there was neither dust nor diet on it. Her servants assumed that she was doing so because she was somewhat disgusted by the air in and around the brothel.

"Let's go," she told Lanai and Lama.

When she turned on her leg, she bumped into a man and almost lost her footing. He put his hands on her shoulders, holding her up steadily.

"My apologies." he said.