Emmah would get a proper welcome.

Elowin sent Lanai out and when she returned, it was with a bag from which Elowin removed orbs in different shapes and sizes.

"They can expand to different sizes and some can project onto a wall for large screen viewing. I have been able to record a few things using mystic memory crystals, the crystal with already recorded data is attached to the orb and then you select what you want to watch."

As he explained, he showed them how it worked, projecting onto the wall recorded footage which Sigrid regarded to be behind the scenes footage from a palace harem drama series.

"Are you shooting already?" she asked, astonished.

She was not the only one that was astonished, all the Thorin's were as they had never seen magic used in this way. This was because all mages became sword mages, their talents were used to forge weapons not entertainment trinkets.

"Is this a part of our castle?" Duke Thorin stood up, he walked to the wall and touched the image.